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Told By: Linda Fang. Rate and review the vocabulary words with your partner legendarysatisfiedannoyed vainrecommendseldom This week we will continue to.

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1 Told By: Linda Fang

2 Rate and review the vocabulary words with your partner legendarysatisfiedannoyed vainrecommendseldom This week we will continue to read The Chilin Purse retold by Linda Fang. This selection is a folktale. Like other genres we have studied, folktales have certain characteristics of folktales. Knowing the characteristics of the genres helps readers understand characters and plot events in narrative.

3  What are the three purposes for reading  Fill in team score sheets and begin new team score sheet 1.To be informed 2.To follow directions 3.To be entertained

4 Why is it important to be able to explain your ideas and tell why they are your ideas? Think-Pair-Share on the importance of participating. If you can explain you ideas it means that you understood what you read and you can apply it to the work you are doing


6 legendary famous Selena was a legendary singer and everyone knew who she was.

7 satisfiedfulfilled Mario ate the whole banana split and was full and satisfied.

8 Yannet was annoyed when her little sister came into her room and took her toys and broke her favorite toy. annoyedupset

9 Sandy and I tried in vain to get the tickets to the concert but they were all sold out and we couldn’t go. vainunsuccessful

10 I would recommend that you listen closely to the review for the Foresite test because you might here some of the answers. recommendsuggest

11 seldomRarely;not very often It seldom rains in the desert but this year there was a lot of rain and many wild flowers grew in Death Valley.

12 Folktale characteristics Stories that have been told through generations Characters have distinct traits Has a simple problem Teaches a moral lesson

13 Think-Pair –Share and think of some folktales you have read in the past Retell the story as a team. Number 1 begin and tell story in sequence Write a questions about the story. Use evidence from the story to support your question. How did Hsiang-ling lose her home?

14 Pages 54-57 “Anansi’s Fishing Expedition” How were Anansi and Anene different? How did Anene trick Anansi. What was Anansi’s response. Treat others as you would want to be treated; don’t trick others or you might get tricked. Teaching a moral or a lesson is another characteristic of a folktale

15  Preview Team Talk questions. 1. How did Hsiang-ling get a job with Yuan-wai Lu? Explain you answer 2. What happened after Hsiang-ling followed the ball? 3. Why was Mrs. Lu angry with Hsiang-ling? 4. What do you think will happen next in the story? Make a prediction using evidence from the story.

16  Read 197-198 with partners – Clarify unknown words using sticky notes  Restate as you read  199 silently  If you finish ahead of your team reread page 198 for fluency.

17  Discuss and answer all Team Talk Questions – do not write any answer until all the questions have been discussed Use the job cards. Pass them around the table every time you begin to answer a new question  Write the answers to 1 and 3 in your journals

18  Let’s celebrate our answers!

19 The purse holds special meaning to Hsiang-ling. What is something that is special to you? Describe it with at least two details. -You answer the question.25 pts -Your answer explains or describes with at least two details25 pts -Your answer makes sense and has part of the questions in it.20 pts -Your answer is written in complete, correct answers20 pts -Your writing has correct capitalization and punctuation.10 pts TOTAL100 PTS

20  Cloze Practice- Choose the correct letter that shows the meaning of the vocabulary word  If you finish early write meaningful sentences.

21  Practice reading page 197  Using the fluency rubric, practice fluency with your partner

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