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 “Social Problem is a deviation from the social ideal remediable by group effort” Walsh and Furfey Social Problem is related to the issues which social.

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2  “Social Problem is a deviation from the social ideal remediable by group effort” Walsh and Furfey Social Problem is related to the issues which social ethics and society considers as unfavourable.

3  ‘a social problem exists whenever we become conscious of a difficulty, a gap between our preferences and reality” Carr  “social problem are men’s unfulfilled aspirations for welfare” Paul Landis

4  “social problem involves actions or patterns of behaviour that are viewed by a substantial number of persons in the society as being deleterious (harmful)to the society or in violation of societal norms, and about which ameliorative action is seen as both possible and desirable” Herbert Blumer

5  Are eddeviations from the ideal situation  Have common basis of origin  Are social in origin  Are inter-connected  Affects all sections of society  Collective approach necessary for their solution

6  Arise as being objectionable by many(collectively) members of the society  Change when the concerned behavioural patterns are interpreted differently  Are always viewed in reference to the value system of the society  Vary historically  Need to be analysed in terms of the influences upon them by a group process and social relatioships

7  Acts against the sanctioned ways of society  Individuals give rise to social problems  Is related to the social; disorganisation  Are universal in nature  Can not be eradicated completely but reformed

8  An attitude of unconcern  Fatalism  Vested interest  Absence of expert knowledge

9  Frm madan n ahuja

10  Over Population  Poverty  Unemployment  Prostitution  Corruption  Atrocities on women  Communalism

11  Languageism  Regionalism  Suicide  Development of Slums  Rape  Environment Pollution  Urbanisation  Sexual problems /crimes ( children)  Hygiene

12  Awareness regarding S  Problems of Aged  AIDS  Untouchability  Disintegration of Family  Disintegration of Society  Drug Addiction

13  Custodial Crimes  Crimes /Violence against women  Murders  Child Labour  Honour Killing  Live –in- Relations  Social/ Youth Unrest




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