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EMTG Incident Command Tactical Worksheet Review

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1 EMTG Incident Command Tactical Worksheet Review
Working with a Common Incident Command Board Student Instructions: 1. View the presentation as a “Slideshow” to see animations 2. Print the presentation in “Notes Pages” layout, in order to have the instructor notes East Metro Training Group

2 Confirmed Structure Fire/W-Batt
4 Engine Companies 2 Ladder Trucks 1 Aid Car, 1 Medic 1 MSO 2 Battalion Chiefs Bothell response plan for a confirmed structure fire: 4 Engines, 2 Ladders, 1 Aid, 1 Medic, 1 MSO, 2 BCs

3 All members of EMTG are required to use the EMTG Incident Command Tactical Worksheet. Using the Tactical Worksheet, as well as the Passport Accountability system, are considered to meet the ICS and Incident Action Plan (IAP) requirements of WAC It can be filled out by the Incident Commander (IC) or the Command Post Aide (CPA). It might be started by the IC and completed by the CPA. In jurisdictions that have a BC driver, the BC usually begins filling out the form while in route to the incident.

4 Incident Information Incident Information:
Name of Command: “228 St Command” Name and Unit of the IC: “B42, BC Johnson” Primary tac channel assigned to the incident Address of the Incident: “ St SE” Date: “1/23/15”

5 Resource Tracking Unit: - assignment - reassignment - cancelled E42
S/B, A RIC, A Resource Tracking Unit: - assignment - reassignment - cancelled Resource Tracking Track resources throughout the incident as they are given assignments. Draw a line through the assignment when it is completed, and/or when the unit is reassigned.

6 Division & Group Management
2 Search E44 L42 E42 E57 E51 L42 Division and Group Management Name of Division/Group: “ Division 2;” “Search” Group Unit designator of supervisor: E42; L31 List units assigned to each Include the unit of the supervisor, if applicable.

7 Primary / Secondary Search
Best Practices & Primary / Secondary Search 3 E51 2 E45 E35 1 The flow sheet lists the Best Practices assignments for Engine and Ladder Companies. Use it as a reminder, as well as for tracking units, their location and assignment. List the fire floor in the middle, and circle it. Then list the floor above and the floor below. 3 L42 2 L31 Complete, N/F E27 1

8 “Free” Space Structure drawing Apparatus placement Wind direction
Special considerations Time stamped notes RP information Others Use this section to draw the structure, wind direction, important features, etc. This can be used for notes and pertinent information.

9 Common symbols & abbreviations
F/A Med S & R FL2, FL3 Div pri. Vent Grp sec. B/U O/H Exp. Salv CP aide  Slash through unit assignment when unit is reassigned Circle unit assignment when assigned as div/grp supervisor Common Symbols F/A: Fire Attack FL2: Floor 2 B/U: Backup line S/B: Standby team Slash “/”: Draw a line, or slash, through an assignment when it is concluded, or the unit is reassigned to another task. Draw a circle around a unit assignment when a Division/Group Supervisor is assigned; for example, if E44 is assigned Division 2, circle “Div 2”. When using the resource checklist, you can draw a single slash”/” when a resource is requested; draw a second slash “\” when the resource arrives. S/B Slash when resource requested “X” when resource arrives

10 For Example Example: Confirmed Structure Fire 3 story, large residential structure, smoke coming from a window on floor 2, side A-Alpha. 1st alarm: E42, E45, E51, E27, L31, L27, A42, B42, B51, MSO6 2nd alarm: E44, E57, E73, A31, B31

11 You are B42. You are the 4th unit to arrive on scene.
“3 story wood frame residential, fire on floor ” B42 on scene, 4th arriving unit 228 St B42, BC Johnson “B42 assuming 228 Command . . . this will be an offensive fire attack from side A to C, floor 2.” 4 St SE 1/23 Offensive Worksheet filled out at the command post: E42 was first on scene, fire attack on floor 2 E45 was second, stand-by E51 was third, exposure line to floor 3 E42 E F/A FL2 2 E45 E S/B B/U FL2 E44 E42 E51 E Exp FL3 E45 “E27 from Command, RIC, side A.” “E45 from Command, Back-Up floor 2.” E27 E RIC E44 L L Fill in the flow chart. Circle the fire floor. A M Review checklist. MSO 3 E51 2 E42 E45 1 E44 arrives (second alarm unit) “E44 from 228 Command, you are assigned Div 2. You have E42 and E45.” BC BC 3 2 1 E44 Div 2 You are B42. You are the 4th unit to arrive on scene. REMEMBER: Both the Passport System and the IC tactical worksheet are used on all structure fires. Some BCs may initially fill out the tactical worksheet, and have the second arriving BC, or CPA, gather and manage passports. Other BCs will initially gather and manage passports, and have the second BC, or CPA, fill out the tactical worksheet. Few BCs can manage both during the initial stages of a working structure fire. Company Assignments: E42 was first engine on scene, and performed fire attach on floor 2. E45 was second engine on scene, and was the standby team. E51 was third engine on scene, performed exposure protection on floor 3. B42 was first command on scene, assumed incident command. E27 was fourth engine on scene, and was assigned RIC. E45 was reassigned to back up line. Division Assignments: E44 was the first engine from the second alarm to arrive, and E44 LT was assigned Division 2 supervisor. E44’s crew was assigned to Division 2. Checklist: PSE was requested. Salvage has been initiated. Fire investigator is on scene. Police have been requested. Utilities have been secured.

12 Same incident, another approach
B42. BC Johnson 4 BC starts the worksheet using MDC, pager, or printout for address, tac, and responding units. This can be prior to responding, or upon arrival at the scene. St SE 1/23 E42 E F/A FL2 E45 E S/B Upon taking command, fills out assignments already made: E42 fire attack on floor 2 E45 stand-by E51 exposure line to floor 3 E51 E Exp FL3 E27 E RIC L31 L L27 L A42 A M47 M MSO MSO6 B31 BC BC There are several ways to fill out the units and assignments. In jurisdictions where the BC has driver, the BC will fill out the form in route. Some BCs fill out the first alarm units before responding, using the data from the MDC, the print-out, or the pager. Some BCs will arrive on scene and immediately fill out the units, then list assignments when they assume incident command. Other BCs collect and manage passports, and have the CPA fill out the tactical worksheet.


14 Practice #1: Fill Out IC Worksheet
Assign units according to Best Practices. 1st alarm – E44, E45, E51, E27, L42, L27, A31, B42, B31, MSO6

15 Practice #2: Fill Out IC Worksheet
Assign units according to Best Practices. Create at least 1 Division, and 1 Group. Give reassignments to at least 3 units. 1st Alarm: E44, E45, E51, E57, L31, L42, A42, B42, B51, M47, MSO6 2nd Alarm: E31, E35, E33, E11, L42, L16, B31, B42, A42, MSO 7

16 Practice #3: Fill Out IC Worksheet
Assign units according to Best Practices. Create at least 2 Divisions, and 1 Group. Give reassignments to at least 7 units. 1st alarm – E42, E45, E44, E51, L31, L27, R51, A42, B42, B31, M47, MSO6 2nd alarm – E57, E35, SCE73, L16, A42, B21

17 Practice #4: Fill Out IC Worksheet
Assign units according to Best Practices. Create at least 2 Divisions, and s Groups. Give reassignments to at least 9 units. 1st alarm – L31, E35, E33, E27, L42, L27, A31, B31, B42, MSO7 2nd alarm – E11, E45, SCE73 L16, A42, M35, B21

18 Practice does not make perfect; practice makes performance.
Only perfect practice makes perfect performance. “Amateurs practice until they get it right. Professionals practice until they can’t get it wrong.” Vince Lombardi

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