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LEFIS Legal Aspects Lucas Jorge Olo Fernandes APTICE, and Cristina Malo Navarro, Lawyer.

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Presentation on theme: "LEFIS Legal Aspects Lucas Jorge Olo Fernandes APTICE, and Cristina Malo Navarro, Lawyer."— Presentation transcript:

1 LEFIS Legal Aspects Lucas Jorge Olo Fernandes APTICE, and Cristina Malo Navarro, Lawyer

2 Legal Aspects by Lucas J. Olo Fernandes A Legal Framework for the Information Society. As a legal framework we deal with different fields in the information society. One of our main objectives is to develop a Trade Mark by the end of the project. Which is the goal of a LEFIS trade mark within this framework?

3 Legal Aspects by Lucas J. Olo Fernandes Objective: “Quality for Information Society’s Legal Framework”. Create a quality in Teaching. Create Quality in E-Commerce. Create quality in E-Government.

4 Legal Aspects by Lucas J. Olo Fernandes Current situation. One of the main experience is the AGACE stamp. This stamp ensure the trust for on-line transactions and consumer protection rights. APTICE has also developed a Certification Authority with PKI. This enable secure communication and identification.

5 Legal Aspects by Lucas J. Olo Fernandes How have we come hitherto? In the E-Commerce: Codes of Practice for the E-Commerce is one of the main solutions for consumers rights to be respected. In E-Government: Transparency and a fair service. In Education: the need of quality in the formation related to the new technologies.

6 Legal Aspects by Lucas J. Olo Fernandes Available options.  In the educational field: The process of Bologna. The methodology TUNNING. In E-government: Studying the quality of the services and the best practices so to elaborate a EU standard. In E-commerce: Promoting the implantation of codes of practice.

7 Legal Aspects by Lucas J. Olo Fernandes Recommendations. Utilization of the stamp or mark LEFIS as: Quality certificate for formation related to the new technologies, with the support of LEFIS institutions. Quality certificate in E-Commerce, like the stamp AGACE proposed by APTICE ( A Standard can be designed and then each country would adapt it to its necessities and legislation. Quality certificate for E-Government. E-Government Practice Code ( We must already think about the citizen as “client” administration services and that its rights must be respected so much or like in e- commerce, what it doesn't seem to happen in Spain for the moment.

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