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Robotic Grasping of Novel Objects using Vision Ashutosh Saxena, Justin Driemeyer, Andrew Y. Ng Center Computer Science Department Stanford University,

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Presentation on theme: "Robotic Grasping of Novel Objects using Vision Ashutosh Saxena, Justin Driemeyer, Andrew Y. Ng Center Computer Science Department Stanford University,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Robotic Grasping of Novel Objects using Vision Ashutosh Saxena, Justin Driemeyer, Andrew Y. Ng Center Computer Science Department Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305 {asaxena,jdriemeyer,ang}

2 Abstract ► ► What is the novel object? ► ► Difficulties to grasp the novel objects.  3-D model  Grasping points

3 Abstract ► ► A learning algorithm to identify the points to grasp the objects.  No 3-D model  2 or more 2-d images. ► ► Triangulate to obtain the 3-d location grasping points.

4 Abstract ► ► Two robotic manipulation platforms to demonstrate this approach.   Grasp a wide variety of objects.   Unloading items from dishwashers.

5 Some related works ► Saxena et al., 2005;2007d  Most of the information in the 3-d structure may already be contained in the 2-d images. ► Castiello, 2005  Learning from previous knowledge is an important component of grasping novel objects. ► Goodale et al., 1991  Given only a quick glance at almost any rigid object, most primates can quickly choose a grasp to pick it up, even without knowledge of the object type.

6 Learning the Grasping Point ► ► What is the grasping point? ► ► There are two steps of their approach.   predict the 2-d location of the grasp in each image.   given two (or more) images of an object taken from different camera positions, they can predict the 3-d position of a grasping point. ► ► They will consider only objects that can be picked up without performing complex manipulation.

7 Synthetic Data for Training ► ► Require a labeled training set.   they can apply supervised learning to identify patches that contain grasping points.   How to generate this training set? Ray tracer.   One model is created, numbers of samples generated.   2500 examples comprising from five objects classes.

8 (e) Pencil (d) Book (c) Eraser (a) Martini glass(b) Mug

9 Probabilistic Model ► They first predict whether each region in the image contains the projection of a grasping point. ► But there are inaccuracies in the physical positioning of the arms -> camera inaccuracies. ► So that

10 Probabilistic Model Equation one: z(u,v) = 1 means this point is grasping point, they assume Equation two: The θ is learned using standard maximum likelihood. X are the features.

11 3-D Grasp Model ► ► They discretize the 3-d work-space of the robotic arm into a regular 3-d grid, and associate with each grid element j a random variable, so that = 1 if grid cell j contains a grasping point, ► From each camera location i = 1,...,N, One image is taken, and there is a ray from this location. Let be the indices of the grid-cells lying on the ray. ► if and only if or or ….

12 3-D Grasp Model ► ► Assuming that any grid-cell along a ray is equally likely to be a grasping point:

13 3-D Grasp Model ► ► Next, using naive Bayes-like independence assumption:

14 3-D Grasp Model ► ► Choosing the grid cell j in the 3-d robot workspace that maximizes the conditional log-likelihood in Eq. 5.

15 Planning ► After identifying a 3-d point at which to grasp an object, they need to:  Find an arm pose that realizes the grasp.  Plan a path to reach that arm pose. ► 5-dof arm platform Using Probabilistic Road-Maps(PRMs) [Schwarzer et al., 2005] to find the path.

16 Planning ► ► 7-dof arm platform They use the full algorithm in [Saxena et al., 2007b], for predicting the 3-d orientation of a grasp.

17 Experiments ► ► Experiment 1: Synthetic data Evaluating the predictive accuracy of the algorithm on synthetic images, The average accuracy for classifying whether a 2-d image patch is a projection of a grasping point was 94.2%. ► ► Experiment 2: Grasping novel objects They tested their algorithm on 5-dof robotic arm platform, On average, the robot picked up the novel objects 87.8% of the time.

18 Experiments ► ► Experiment 3: Unload items from dishwashers ► Experiment 4: Grasping using 7-dof arm It achieved a grasping success rate of 60% for bowls, and 80% for plates.

19 Conclusions ► The algorithm generalizes very well to novel objects and environments. ► It is just the first step!

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