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Fluvial Geomorphology Environmental Hydrology Lecture 20.

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Presentation on theme: "Fluvial Geomorphology Environmental Hydrology Lecture 20."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fluvial Geomorphology Environmental Hydrology Lecture 20

2 Fluvial Geomorphology Study of the role of running water in shaping the landscape

3 Key concepts in fluvial geomorphology Characteristics of rivers as function of landscape position (geography) How rivers accomplish “work” How rivers respond to change

4 Geomorphic Work Running water exerts force   Landscape offers resistance

5 Geomorphic Work Lane’s Balance, Ward & Trimble, Fig 9.20 Q S  Q s d Where: Q = dischargeQs = sediment discharge S = sloped = median sediment size Q*S = stream power

6 When does geomorphic work occur? Applied stress Rate of movement Frequency of occurrence frequency x rate ~ “work” after Wolman, M. G. and J. P. Miller, 1960. Magnitude and Frequency of Forces in Geomorphic Processes. Journal of Geology, 68(1): 54-74.

7 When does geomorphic work occur? see Ward & Trimble, Fig 6.14

8 “Effective” width, depth

9 Geomorphic work expressed in channel characteristics Winooski Falls, Photo by Jim Westphalen Channel dimensions (cross-section) Channel profile (longitudinal view) Channel pattern (plan view)

10 Channel dimensions Geometry or cross-sectional shape of the channel Width, depth Bankfull width, depth (i.e. “effective”) Floodplain Terrace (abandoned floodplain) see also Ward & Trimble, Fig 6.13

11 Helical flow creates variations in shear stress across the cross section

12 Channel dimensions see also Ward & Trimble, Fig 6.13

13 What happens if force-resistance balance is disturbed?

14 Channel evolution Pre-DevelopmentDowncutting Widening Restored Floodplain Graphic from A. Ward after Schumm

15 Channel Profile Elevation Distance downstream  Longitudinal relationship between elevation and distance downstream (slope) Uniform rate of work Minimum rate of work

16 Channel Profile Ward & Trimble, Fig 6.8

17 Channel Profile Ward & Trimble, Fig 6.27 (from Montgomery & Buffington, 1997. GSA Bulletin, 109, 596-611.) “Colluvial Channels” “Alluvial Channels”

18 Channel Pattern Meandering StreamBraided Stream Plan (aerial) view of channel geometry Ward & Trimble, Fig 6.10

19 Channel Pattern Sinuosity (S) = L c / L v where L c = channel length L v = valley length

20 Helical flow induces meander formation Cut banks

21 Meander Geometry Ward & Trimble, Fig 6.11

22 How do these concepts scale? Graphic from A. Ward

23 How do these concepts scale? Ward & Trimble, Fig 6.15 “Hydraulic Geometry” of stream channels

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