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How the Role of Women Changed

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Presentation on theme: "How the Role of Women Changed"— Presentation transcript:

1 How the Role of Women Changed
1930’s through 1950’s

2 Great Depression Early 1930’s The US suffering from a Great Depression
Many men were out of work

3 Women and the Depression
During the Depression, women were discouraged from working

4 World War II In 1941 the US entered the War.

5 Millions of men leave for War!
In 1941, millions of soldiers left for the military.

6 Wartime manufacturing was Booming!
War Plants were in need of workers to make Tanks Planes Ammunition Parachutes Uniforms

7 Women were moving from the Kitchen to the Work Force!
View this slide show!

8 Women took on all types of jobs
Welders Taxicab drivers Crane operators Police officers Chemists where ever there was a need!

9 Women were often referred to as…
“soldiers without guns”

10 Rosy the Riveter! Was a popular symbol of American Women
                     Rosy the Riveter! Was a popular symbol of American Women Example of Propaganda

11 Problems…. Women earned less than men
Even in jobs that were exactly the same

12 Problems… lack of day care for children Attendance in schools dropped
Juvenile delinquents became more prominent

13 Problems…. Work was temporary….
When soldiers returned, women were supposed to return “home” as well.

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