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Welcome to Fifth Grade!! Mrs. DiBlasi Mr. Edwards Mr. Grimaldi Mrs. Jaeger Mrs. Stadler Mrs. Shurak.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Fifth Grade!! Mrs. DiBlasi Mr. Edwards Mr. Grimaldi Mrs. Jaeger Mrs. Stadler Mrs. Shurak."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Fifth Grade!! Mrs. DiBlasi Mr. Edwards Mr. Grimaldi Mrs. Jaeger Mrs. Stadler Mrs. Shurak


3 Reader’s Workshop After the skill based mini lesson, students will rotate between different centers throughout the week Examples: –Read to self –Listen to reading –Read with a partner –Small Group Instruction

4 Writer’s Workshop Units of Study: –Narrative –Expository –Argument/Opinion –Fantasy

5 Math I can: Use algebra to help me understand math Use place value and operations to help understand math Use fractions to help understand math Use measurement and data to help understand math Use geometry to help understand math

6 Science Solar Energy/Phases of the moon Light and Sound Say What? Models and Designs ***Science CMT***

7 Social Studies Revolutionary War Moving West Frontier Life- Hacker Trail Settling the Far West Southern Society Pre-Civil War

8 Language Arts/Problem Solving Grammar: Parts of speech Punctuation Sentence structure Degrees of Reading Power Editing and Revising Performance Tasks Cooperative Learning Projects Open Response Tasks

9 Efficacy/Responsive Classroom Roxbury School implemented an Efficacy program which focuses on students becoming independent learners by making goals and analyzing their data. The motto is Think You Can, Work Hard, Get Smart. Responsive classroom is school wide program that revolves around the 6 character traits and Roxbury ROX matrix. In addition to morning meeting, teachers use whole class and individual behavior supports such as the DOJOS and Paper Clip Chains.DOJOS

10 Homework –Reading: Read 20 minutes and sign reading log –Math: Study link Practice math facts (flashcards, Dreambox, Everyday Math Online) –Science: Weekly assignment due on Friday –Social Studies: Weekly assignment due on Friday –Grammar/Problem Solving: Daily practice sheet

11 Homework Log

12 Nature’s Classroom October 26 th - October 28th Forms are due on October 15 th

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