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Jeopardy Heading1Heading2Heading3Heading4 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500.

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2 Jeopardy Heading1Heading2Heading3Heading4 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500

3 $100 Question from H1 The Triple Alliance

4 $100 Answer from H1 Who is Germany, Italy and Austria-Hungary

5 $200 Question from H1 The land Germany dispossessed from France

6 $200 Answer from H1 Alsace and Lorraine

7 $300 Question from H1 Explain why Germany was upset about the details Treaty of Versailles.

8 $300 Answer from H1 Germany was laid blame for WW1, they were punished by having to demilitarize and they were fined billions of dollars to be paid to Great Britain.

9 $400 Question from H1 Describe Trench Warfare

10 $400 Answer from H1 Trench warfare was a long and drawn out process where soldiers lived in trenches (big man made ditches) for very long periods of time, awaiting the advancement of the enemy. The conditions were harsh and unsanitary.

11 $500 Question from H1 Why was Russia willing to align with France?

12 $500 Answer from H1 Russia wanted protection from Germany as well as money to industrialize. France was willing to loan Russia this money if they would enter an alliance.

13 $100 Question from H2 Triple Entente

14 $100 Answer from H2 Who is France, Great Britain and Russia

15 $200 Question from H2 The man who assassinated Arch Duke Francis Ferdinand

16 $200 Answer from H2 Gavriolo Princip

17 $300 Question from H2 How did women joining the workforce change the role of women?

18 $300 Answer from H2 The traditional role of women had been in the home and isolated. With WW1 women had to go to work in factories and became more active in the ‘outside world’. This changed women’s role and their perspective, for example soon after WW1 women demanded and were awarded the right to vote.

19 $400 Question from H2 Why were women sometimes targeted by war recruitment propaganda?

20 $400 Answer from H2 The government understood that a woman’s influence and support would encourage more men to join the military.

21 $500 Question from H2 In the film Paths of Glory, why did the soldiers in the pub cry when the young woman sang?

22 $500 Answer from H2 She reminded them of some of the humanity that they may have lost due to being caught up in the war.

23 $100 Question from H3 The Arch Duke who was assassinated at the beginning of WW1

24 $100 Answer from H3 Arch Duke Francis Ferdinand

25 $200 Question from H3 Define conscription

26 $200 Answer from H3 When a government forces citizens to be soldiers.

27 $300 Question from H3 Give an example of the nationalism that lead to WW1.

28 $300 Answer from H3 The assassination of Arch Duke Francis Ferdinand. Gavriolo Princip killed him because he was a Serbian nationalist who wanted an independent State from the Austria-Hungarian empire.

29 $400 Question from H3 Which country had the first military airplane during WW1?

30 $400 Answer from H3 Germany

31 $500 Question from H3 Describe the Moroccan Crises

32 $500 Answer from H3 Moroccan resistance to French colonial rule with Germany’s support.

33 $100 Question from H4 What does M.A.I.N. stand for?

34 $100 Answer from H4 Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism and Nationalism

35 $200 Question from H4 Describe the militarism that lead to WW1.

36 $200 Answer from H4 As tensions rose between countries they began investing more energy, money and resources into the military. They strongly encouraged men to become soldiers and began to build more mechanized weapons in preparation for a Great War.

37 $300 Question from H4 Which country had the first military battle ship and tank during WW1?

38 $300 Answer from H4 England

39 $400 Question from H4 Give an example of the nationalism that lead to WW1.

40 $400 Answer from H4 As the war drew closer it became clear to Governments that more soldiers would be Needed. To convince men to become soldiers governments created a sense of nationalism within citizens through use of propaganda slogans and posters. For example the poster to the Women of Canada.

41 $500 Question from H4 Explain why WW1 was a war of attrition.

42 $500 Answer from H4 A war based on wearing the other side down by constant attacks and many lives lost.

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