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Modul ke: Fakultas Program Studi The Module 1 is intended to give you further understanding of how and what is needed to comprehend much better concerning.

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2 Modul ke: Fakultas Program Studi The Module 1 is intended to give you further understanding of how and what is needed to comprehend much better concerning the aspects of time and its changes. 01 FAKULTAS EKONOMI dan BISNIS Program Studi Akutansi Bahasa Inggris Business I Marifa Retno Gayatri M.Hum.

3 Understanding Tense Chart MODULE 1: The first presentation is very much essential in giving through understanding of how and what is needed to comprehend further anything in connection with sentence structure in terms of its time and its time changes.


5 PRESENT PERFECT I have already studied chapter One PRESENT PERFECT PROGRESSIVE I have been studying for two hours YUDI ANJANGSANA, DRS. SE. MM. 4

6 PAST PERFECT I had already studied Chapter One before I began to study Chapter Two. PAST PERFECT PROGRESIVVE I had been studying for two hours before my friends came. YUDI ANJANGSANA, DRS. SE. MM. 5

7 FUTURE PERFECT I will already have studied Chapter Four Before I study chapter Five. FUTURE PERFECT PROGRESSIVE I will have ben studying for two hours by time you arrive. YUDI ANJANGSANA, DRS. SE. MM. 6

8 7

9 (1) VERBS THAT END IN -E (a) hope hoping hoped date dating dated -ING FORM: If the word ends in –e, drop the –e and add –ing* -ED FORM: If the word ends in –e, just add –d (2) VERBS THAT END IN A VOWEL AND A CONSONANT ONE-SYLLABLE VERBS (b) stop stopping stopped rob robbing robbed beg begging begged (c) rain raining rained fool fooling fooled dream dreaming dreamed 1 vowel  2 consonants*   2 vowels  1 consonant TWO-SYLLABLE VERBS (d) listen listening listened offer offering offered open opening opened (e) begin beginning (began) prefer preferring preferred control controling controled 1st syllable stressed  1 consonant 2nd syllable stressed  2 consonants (3) VERBS THAT END IN TWO CONSONANTS (f) star starting started fold folding folded demand demanding demanded If the word ends into two consonants, just add the ending. (4) VERBS THAT END IN -Y (g) enjoy enjoying enjoyed pray praying prayed buy buying (bought) (h) study studying studied try tring tried reply replying replied If –y is preceded by a vowel, keep the –y If –y is preceded by a consonant: -ING FORM: keep the –y, add –ing. -ED FORM: change –y to –i, add –ed (5) VERBS THAT END IN -IE (1) die dying died lie lying lied tie tying tied -ING FORM: Change –ie to –y, add –ing. -ED FORM: Add -d YUDI ANJANGSANA, DRS. SE. MM. 8

10 EXERCISE 6: Give the correct –ing form for the following. 1.Hold  holding 2.Hide  hidding  runing 4.Ruin  ruining 5.Come  coming EXERCISE 7: Give the correct –ing and –ed form for the following. 1.boil  boiling, boiled 2.try  tring, tried 3.stay  staying, stayed 4.tape  taping, taped 5.tap  tapping, tapped YUDI ANJANGSANA, DRS. SE. MM. 9

11 EXERCISE 8: Give the correct –ed form for the following. 1.bore  bored 2.jar  jarred 3.jeer  jeered 4.intensify  intensified 5.sob  sobbed EXERCISE 9: Give the correct –ing form for the following. 1.Raid  raidding 2.Ride  ridding 3.Bid  bidding 4.Bury  burying 5.Lie  lying YUDI ANJANGSANA, DRS. SE. MM. 10

12 (a)Water consists of hydrogen and oxygen (b)Most animals kill only for food. (c)The world is round The simple present says that something was true in the past, is true in the present, and will be true in the future. It is used for general statements of fact. (a)I study for two hours every night. (b)My classes begin at nine. (c)He always eats a sandwich for lunch. The simple present is used to express habitual or everyday activity. (a)I have only a dollar right now. (b)I don’t recognize that man. (c)He needs a pen rgiht now. Certain verbs are not use in the progressive tenses. ( See Chart 1-9) With these verbs, the simple present may indicate a situation that exists right now, at the moment of speaking. SIMPLE PRESENT YUDI ANJANGSANA, DRS. SE. MM. 11

13 PRESENT PROGRESSIVE St art N ow finish? in progress (a)John is sleeping right now. (b)I need an umbrella because it is raining. (c)John and Mary are talking on the phone. The present progressive expresses an activity that is in progress at the moment of speaking. It began in the recent past, is cotinuing at present, and will probably end at some point in the future. (a)I am talking five courses this semester. (b)John is trying to improve his work habits. (c)She is writing another books this year. Often the activity is of a general nature: Something generally in progress this week, this month, this year. Note (o) : The sentences means that writing a book is a geenral activity she is engaged in at present, but it does not mean that at the moment of speaking she is sitting at her desk with pen in hand. YUDI ANJANGSANA, DRS. SE. MM. 12

14 EXERCISE 10: Use either the SIMPLE PRESENT or the PRESENT PROGRESSIVE of the verbs in parentheses. 1.Diana can’t come to the phone because she (wash) is washing her hair. 2.Diane (wash) _________ her hair every other day or so. 3.Kathy (sit, usually*)__________ in te front row during class, but today she (sit) _________in the last row. YUDI ANJANGSANA, DRS. SE. MM. 13

15 EXERCISE 10: Use either the SIMPLE PRESENT or the PRESENT PROGRESSIVE of the verbs in parentheses. 4.Please be quiet. I (try) __________to concentrate. 5.(Lock, you, always*) __________the door to your apartment when you leave? 6.I wrote to my friend last week. She hasn’t answered my letter yet. I (wait, still*) __________ for a reply. YUDI ANJANGSANA, DRS. SE. MM. 14

16 Terima Kasih

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