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Procter and Gamble.

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Presentation on theme: "Procter and Gamble."— Presentation transcript:

1 Procter and Gamble

2 Introducing Healthy Minds
Judith Lockhart Occupational Health Nurse

3 What small step will you take towards Vibrant Living and Healthy Minds
What small step will you take towards Vibrant Living and Healthy Minds Even small steps can have a BIG impact At P&G Vibrant Living is all about making it easier for employees to access health and wellness programs and make healthy choices. Vibrant Living provides a family of programs to help them take small steps on their wellness journey towards personal fulfillment and peak performance.

4 Healthy Minds Aims Objective of building awareness, transparency and knowledge regarding Mental Health & Resilience Multi-year programme to deliver cultural change Intent to build Mental Health literacy across organisation and equip Line Managers to both manage reactively and enable proactively

PHASE 1 LAUNCH Awareness & Education including Story-telling Partnership with Occupational Health Visible Sponsorship by Business Leaders PHASE 2 EMBED Capability building – Line Managers, New Hires, Story-telling Healthy Minds Champions Network PHASE 3 MOVING FROM REACTIVE TO PROACTIVE Manager setting the right tone and behaviours in an environment of increasing productivity, reducing enrolment, dealing with difficult external customers. Exploring new tools & techniques e.g. Mindfulness, Sleep quality Healthy Minds for Teams assessment of stress-causing behaviours, Building Resilience, Team action-planning. CONTINUING EDUCATION, SPONSORSHIP & AWARENESS NORMALISATION - CHALLENGING TABOOS

6 PHASE 1: Pre-Communication

7 PHASE 1: Take 5

8 Healthy Minds Event April 2015
Coffee and biscuit drop in sessions for all departments. Showed the Black Dog Video

9 Phase 2 EMBED Capability building – Line Managers, New Hires, Story-telling. Healthy Minds Champions Network

10 The Calm team are individuals who have received training in specific
Connect And Listen Minders The Calm team are individuals who have received training in specific support and listening skills. If you need to talk confidentially or just need someone to listen : Contact Judith the nurse in O/health or one of the team. Feb 2015 Judith Lockhart O/health Nurse Ext 1030 Susan Baggaley O/health Ext 1854 Michelle Jackson Ext 1019 Anna Connolly Ext. 1279 Beth Coventry Ext. 1406 Anna Galloway Ext 1057 Ilse Hermkens Ext 1106 Carol Hill Ext. 1952 Ann Wood Ext 1515 Lesley Joyce Ext 1769 Dave Parmley Ext 1502 Alison Kinloch Ext. 1676 Nicola Lackenby Ext. 1661 Debbie Leightley Ext 1247 Dave Martin Ext 1152 Neil Mansfield Ext 1362 Alison Sheavills Ext. 1417 Heather Stoddart Ext. 1575 Claire Philbrick Ext 1244 Graham Ward Ext 5019 Claire Urquhart Ext 1548

11 Mental Health training comments
The content was a perfect balance of training, real life experiences (via videos) and group exercises.  I think all participants really enjoyed it. I have certainly learned a whole lot of stuff that I can use at work as a CALM team member but also in my personal life too. THANK you SO much for organizing the course last week.  I enjoyed every second and I would highly recommend it to everyone. Would almost say that everyone who manages people should go !

12 Management Training One day course held by Occupational Health for managers to help them manage mental health issues . Consists of case studies, and videos for discussions Early referral to Occupational Health, and how to manage sickness absence. Resilience website and resources available to them Video


Manager setting the right tone and behaviours Exploring new tools & techniques e.g. Mindfulness, CBT and Resilience Sleep quality


16 Resilience training NIC
Training includes Cognitive Behaviours techniques Recognising personality traits which can contribute to stress Dealing with negative thought processes, and changing this to more positive actions Site rolling program of training commenced 2014/15

17 Plans for the Future at NIC
More company wide Mental Health First Aiders Further training with our CALM team and external speakers Plans for the Future at NIC Resilience training for managers OHN to qualify as Mental Health First Aid Trainer Train all managers as Mental Health First Aiders Health promotion campaigns on young peoples issues

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