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Published byElfreda Walker Modified over 9 years ago
Carlos de los Heros Division of High Energy Physics Uppsala University EPS2005 Lisbon, July 21-27, 2005 GETTING THERE: FROM AMANDA TO ICECUBE
USA: Bartol Research Institute, Delaware Univ. of Alabama Pennsylvania State University UC Berkeley UC Irvine Clark-Atlanta University Univ. of Maryland IAS, Princeton University of Wisconsin-Madison University of Wisconsin-River Falls LBNL, Berkeley University of Kansas Southern University and A&M College, Baton Rouge Sweden: Uppsala Universitet Stockholm Universitet Kalmar Universitet In March 2005, AMANDA merged into the IceCube collaboration UK: Imperial College, London Oxford University Netherlands: Utrecht University Belgium: Université Libre de Bruxelles Vrije Universiteit Brussel Universiteit Gent Université de Mons-Hainaut Germany: Universität Mainz DESY-Zeuthen Universität Dortmund Universität Wuppertal Universität Berlin Japan: Chiba university New Zealand: University of Canterbury THE ICECUBE COLLABORATION
Cosmic rays @ >>TeV exist acceleration sites must sit somewhere Candidate sources: SNe remnants, Quasars Active Galactic Nuclei Gamma Ray Bursts Exotics (decays of topological defects...) proton accelerators Neutrinos : not absorbed, not deflected: difficult to detect Protons : deflected in magnetic fields, GZK -rays : propagate straight, however: –reprocessed in sources –absorbed in IR (100 TeV) and 3K (10 PeV) ? explained by SN? unexplained Guaranteed sources: atmospheric neutrinos (from & K mesons decay) galactic plane: – CR interacting with ISM, concentrated on the disk CMB (diffuse): – UHE p + n + (p 0 ) NEUTRINO ASTRONOMY
PMT noise: ~1 kHz AMANDA-B10 (inner core of AMANDA-II) 10 strings 302 OMs Data years: 1997-99 Optical Module “Up-going” (from Northern sky) “Down-going” (from Southern sky) AMANDA-II 19 strings 677 OMs Data years: 2000 – THE AMANDA DETECTOR AMANDA-B4 (first 4-string prototype) 4 strings 80 OMs Data years: 1996 1996 1997 2000 What’s up?
Amundsen-Scott South Pole station South Pole Station facilities AMANDA road to work 1500 m 2000 m [not to scale] THE SITE
NEUTRINO DETECTION IN POLAR ICE O (km) long muon tracks ~15 m South Pole ice: (most?) transparent natural condensed material Longer absorption length → larger effective volume Event reconstruction by Cherenkov light timing O (10m) Cascades, e Neutral Current
IN THIS TALK: Results from: atmospheric neutrinos searches for an extra-terrestrial flux: galactic center diffuse (anytime, anywhere) point source (anytime, somewhere) transient (known ‘flary’ objects & GRBs) (sometime, somewhere) search for WIMPs: Excess from the center of the Sun/Earth SN search in the Milky Way Agreed collaboration strategy: Analyses are done ‘blind’. Cuts optimized on a % of data or on a time-scrambled data set.
AMANDA: sensitive in very different energy regimes Energy range production site(s) MeVSupernovae GeV-TeV Atmosphere Dark matter from Sun/Earth Galactic center TeV-EeV Quasars SN remnant AGN GRB galactic extra galactic
E Hadron E -2.7 0.02 cosmic ray muons Atmospheric muons: - AMANDA test beam: I vs depth, CR composition - Background for other searches TEST BEAMS: ATMOSPHERIC MUONS SPASE (scintillator array @ 3000m) e density @ surface shower core resolution: 0 (m) shower direction resolution: < 1.5 o AMANDA ‘s @ >1500m (>300 GeV @ surface) use SPASE core position for combined fit use expected lateral photoelectron/event distribution as estimate of N Combined SPASE-AMANDA ‘detector’: Probes hadronic ( ) and EM (e) component of the primary shower (E) ~ 0.07 in log(E prim ) Results compatible with composition change around the knee Sources of systematic uncertainties: (~30% in ln(A), not shown in the plot) -shower generation models -muon propagation
►Neural Network energy reconstruction of up-going μ` s ► Regularized unfolding → energy spectrum Set limit on cosmic neutrino flux: How much E -2 cosmic ν - signal allowed within uncertainty of highest energy bins? Limit on diffuse E -2 ν μ flux (100 -300 TeV): First spectrum > 1 TeV (up to 300 TeV) - matches lower energy Frejus data E 2 μ (E) < 2.6·10 –7 GeV cm -2 s -1 sr -1 vertical horizontal TEST BEAMS: ATMOSPHERIC NEUTRINOS Frejus Amanda Atmospheric neutrinos: - Guaranteed test beam - Background for other searches
’s FROM THE GALACTIC PLANE ’s FROM THE GALACTIC PLANE Expected from CR+galactic interstellar medium ’s follow the primary energy spectrum, E -2.7 Location of AMANDA reach only outer region of the galactic plane: 33 o < <213 o data sample 2000-03: 3329 evts Three signal ansatz: Line source Gaussian source Diffuse source NO EXCESS OBSERVED: Optimal on-source region on-source events Expected bckg. +-2.0 o 128129.4 6.4x10 -5 (line) (GeV -1 cm -2 s -1 rad -1 ) 6.6x10 -4 (diffuse) (GeV -1 cm -2 s -1 sr -1 ) +-4.4 o 271283.3 4.8x10 -4 (gauss) (*) (GeV -1 cm -2 s -1 sr -1 ) (*)
Several strategies in the search for point sources: Diffuse flux of neutrinos with no time-space correlations. Focus on E -2 spectrum calculate upper limit on high energy tail of atmospheric ν μ optimize selection with attention to background(s) rejection multi-flavor (muon tracks + cascades) Spacial correlation with steady objects Search for clusters of events (w. or w.o. catalogue) Stacking of known point source candidates (paper in preparation) Space and/or time correlation with transient phenomena known active flary periods of TeV gamma sources time window-rolling search of signal excess over background SEARCH FOR POINT SOURCES
UHE: E > P eV: Earth opaque Search in the upper hemisphere and close to the horizon Bright events: many hit OMs with several hits/OM Energy -related variables best handle of analysis DIFFUSE SEARCH HE: TeV < E < PeV: Use directionality + energy-related variables to reject atm background Search confined to up-going tracks Use high-quality tracks Limit from data sample 1997. 131 d lifetime: Assuming a E -2 flux (1 PeV < E < 3 EeV) and e : : = 1:1:1 E 2 all (E) < 9.9 x 10 -7 GeV cm -2 s -1 sr -1 Sensitivity from data sample 2000. 174 d lifetime: Assuming a E -2 flux (0.2 PeV < E < 2 EeV) and e : : = 1:1:1 E 2 all (E) < 4.2 x 10 -7 GeV cm -2 s -1 sr -1 Limit from data sample 1997. 131 d lifetime: Assuming a E -2 flux (1 PeV < E < 3 EeV) and e : : = 1:1:1 E 2 (E) < 8.4 x 10 -7 GeV cm -2 s -1 sr -1 Sensitivity from data sample 2000-03. 807d lifetime: Assuming a E -2 flux (13 TeV < E < 3.2 PeV) and e : : = 1:1:1 E 2 all (E) < 9.5 x 10 -8 GeV cm -2 s -1 sr -1 Analyses optimized for , : reduced sensitivity to e and All-flavour Cascades: TeV < E < PeV 4 search Background: brehmm. from down-going muons Limit from data sample 1997. 131 d lifetime: Assuming a E -2 flux (50 TeV < E < 3 PeV) and e : : = 1:1:1 E 2 all (E) < 9.8 x 10 -6 GeV cm -2 s -1 sr -1 Sensitivity from data sample 2000. 174 d lifetime: Assuming a E -2 flux (50 TeV < E < 5 PeV) and e : : = 1:1:1 E 2 all (E) < 8.6 x 10 -7 GeV cm -2 s -1 sr -1 signal: background:
AMANDA 1 : B10, 97, ↑μ 2 : A-II, 2000, unfold. 3 : A-II, 2000, cascade 4 : B10, 97, UHE 6: A-II, 2000, UHE sensit. 7: A-II, 2000-03 ↑μ sensit. Baikal 5 : 98-03, casc. 1:1:1 flavor flux ratio all-flavor limits DIFFUSE SEARCHES: SUMMARY Limits for other flux predictions: Cuts optimized for each case. Expected limit from a given model compared with observed limit. Some AGN models excluded at 90% CL : Szabo-Protehoe 92 Stecker, Salamon. Space Sc. Rev. 75, 1996 Protehoe. ASP Conf series, 121, 1997 6 7
SEARCH FOR CLUSTERS OF EVENTS IN THE NORTHERN SKY Search for excesses of events compared to the background from: the full Northern Sky a set of selected candidate sources Cuts optimized in each declination band Require good pointing resolution (good quality events) Background estimated from exp. data with randomized α (i.e. time) Sensitivity flat up to horizon Significant improvement w.r.t. first analysis with AMANDA-B10 average flux upper limit [cm -2 s -1 ] sin AMANDA-B10 AMANDA-II Average upper limit = sensitivity (δ>0°) (integrated above 10 GeV, E -2 signal) time declination 0 o (horizontal) 90 o (vertical) Declination averaged sensitivity for a E -2 spectrum and E > 10 GeV lim 0.6·10 -8 cm -2 s -1
Maximum significance: 3.4 Assess statistical significance using random sky maps: Probability of a background Fluctuation: 92% Data from 2000-2003 (807 days) 3369 from northern hemisphere 3438 expected from atmosphere Event selection optimized for both dN/dE ~ E -2 and E -3 spectra SEARCH FOR CLUSTERS OF EVENTS IN THE NORTHERN SKY
Source Nr. of events (4 years) Expected backgr. (4 years) Flux Upper Limit 90% (E >10 GeV) [10 -8 cm -2 s -1 ] Markarian 42165.580.68 1ES1959+65053.710.38 SS43324.500.21 Cygnus X-365.040.77 Cygnus X-145.210.40 Crab Nebula105.361.25 Selected objects and full scan of the northern sky: No statistically significant effect observed … out of 33 Sources Systematic uncertainties under investigation Sensitivity ~2 for 200 days of “high-state” and spectral results from HEGRA Crab Nebula: The chance probability of such an excess (or higher) given the number of trials is 64% Preliminary SEARCH FOR CLUSTERS OF EVENTS FROM KNOWN OBJECTS On-Source Off-Source
Source Nr. of events (4 years) Expected BG (4 years) Period duration Nr. of doublets Probability for highest multiplicity Markarian 42165.5840 days0Close to 1 1ES 1959+65053.7140 days10.34 3EG J1227+4302 64.3740 days10.43 QSO 0235+16465.0440 days10.52 Cygnus X-365.0420 days0Close to 1 GRS 1915+10564.7620 days10.32 GRO J0422+3255.1220 days0Close to 1 Search for excesses in time-sliding windows: galactic objects: 20 days extra-galactic objects: 40 days Preliminary … out of 12 Sources → no statistically significant effect observed events time sliding window Enhance the detection chance by using the time information: Search for neutrino flares without a-priori hypothesis on their time of occurrence POINT SOURCE SEARCH: TIME WINDOW EXCESS
Catalogues: BATSE+IPN3 Several search techniques: coincidence with T90 precursor (110s before T90) cascades (all flavour, 4 ) -coincident with T90 -rolling time window (no catalogue) Bckg. Stability required within ±1 hour from burst Further searches: rolling search ( without temporal/spacial constrains) E ν 2 Φ ν < 6.7x 10 -6 GeV cm -2 s -1 sr -1 SEARCH FOR ’s CORRELATED WITH GRBs Low background analysis due to both space and time coincidence! year # GRB from preliminary 90%CL upper limit assuming WB spectrum (E B at 100 TeV and = 300) '97 - '00312 BATSE triggered bursts E 2 d /dE = 4 · 10 -8 GeV cm -2 s -1 sr -1 '00 - '03139 BATSE & IPN bursts E 2 d /dE = 3 · 10 -8 GeV cm -2 s -1 sr -1 '01 - '0350 IPN bursts (Assuming the Razzaque model) E 2 d /dE = 5 · 10 -8 GeV cm -2 s -1 sr -1 '01(425) Rolling window E 2 d /dE = 2.7 · 10 -6 GeV cm -2 s -1 sr -1 '0076 BATSE triggered bursts E 2 d /dE = 9.5 · 10 -7 GeV cm -2 s -1 sr -1
Sun analysis possible due to improved reconstruction capability for horizontal tracks in AMANDA-II compared with B10. m 20%, b 5% non-baryonic matter MSSM: candidate accumulating over cosmological time in the Sun/Earth. Pair-wise annihilation at its center: and consider (MC=DarkSusy) (soft channel) (hard channel) for various masses (50-5000 GeV) SEARCH FOR DM CANDIDATES IN THE SUN/EARTH Combined 1997-99 data sets: Searches from the center of the Earth 2001 data set: Search from the Sun
Cygnus-X1 Cassiopeia. A Sun 90 000 light years SMC LMC Crab Nebula Burst of low-energy (MeV) neutrinos from core collapse supernovae increase in detector noise rate due to e +e - e- + X Low energy O (ev) e- tracks: no pointing Monitor noise of subset of stable OMs Special DAQ: count rates in 10 s 92% coverage of the Milky Way AMANDA part of SNEWS alert network SEARCH FOR SNe EXPLOSIONS IN THE GALAXY Approximate AMANDA horizon
Deep ice array: IceCube Digital readout technology (D-OMs) 80 strings / 60 DOM’s each 17 m DOM spacing 125 m between strings hexagonal pattern over 1 km 2 x1 km 1200 m IceTop IceCube Surface array: IceTop 80 stations air shower array. (one per IceCube string) 2 tanks (2 DOMs each) per station 125 m grid, 1 km 2 at 690 g/cm 2 E threshold ~ 300 TeV for > 4 stations in coincidence The IceCube observatory: IceCube+IceTop
Amundsen-Scott South Pole station South Pole Station facilities AMANDA road to work 1500 m 2000 m [not to scale] IceCube THE SITE
E µ =6 PeV IceCube: an All-Flavor Neutrino Telescope IceCube will be able to identify tracks from for E > 100 GeV cascades from e for E > 10 TeV for E > 1 PeV Background mainly downgoing cosmic ray (bundles) (+ uncorrelated coincident 's) - exp. rate at trigger level ~1.7 kHz - atm. rate at trigger level ~300/day E < 1 PeV: focus on the Northern sky E > 1 PeV: sensitive aperture increases w. energy full sky observations possible e e “cascade” E = 375 TeV ~300m @ E = 1 PeV 1 year sensitivity a point E 2 ·d /dE flux
IceTop Stations with DOMs – January 2004 Digitized muon signals from DOMs Amplitude (ATWD counts) vs time (ns) power cable signal, freeze control, temperature control cables
27.1, 10:08: Reached maximum depth of 2517 m, reversed direction, started to ream up 28.1, 7:00: drill head and return water pump are out of the hole, preparations for string installation start 7:52: Handover of hole for deployment 9:15: Started installation of the first DOM (DOM 60) 12:06: 10th DOM installed 22:36: 60th DOM installed Typical time for DOM installation:12 min 22:48: Start drop 29.1, 1:31: String secured at depth of 2450.80 m 20:40: First communication to DOM IceCube First String: January 2005
An IceCube-IceTop event
Outlook A wealth of results from AMANDA-B10 and AMANDA-II on several physics topics Results from combined analysis using several years ’00-’03 (more on the way) No extraterrestial neutrinos observed yet Sensitivity reaching the level of current predictions of production in AGN. Some models already excluded @ 90%CL Digitized readout since 2003: waveform resolution First IceTop station deployed on Jan. 2004 First IceCube string deployed on Jan. 2005 First IceCube-IceTop and IceCube-AMANDA events seen IceCube/IceTop will significantly improve astrophysics and cosmic rays measurements in energy range and resolution
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