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Autistic spectrum disorder. People with Autism Dan Aykroyd Tim Burton The Inventor of Pokeman Courtney Love Vincent Van Gogh Michael Jackson Daryl Hannah.

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Presentation on theme: "Autistic spectrum disorder. People with Autism Dan Aykroyd Tim Burton The Inventor of Pokeman Courtney Love Vincent Van Gogh Michael Jackson Daryl Hannah."— Presentation transcript:

1 Autistic spectrum disorder

2 People with Autism Dan Aykroyd Tim Burton The Inventor of Pokeman Courtney Love Vincent Van Gogh Michael Jackson Daryl Hannah Marie Curie

3 Quiz - Famous People with Autism 1.Famous artists, painters, cartoonists - Walt Disney, Jackson Pollock, Andy Warhol 2.19 th century poets - Charlotte Bronte, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Emily Dickinson 3.Fairy tale writers - Hans Christian Anderson, Lewis Carroll, Wilhelm Grimm 4.Italian Sculptor, painters, architects - Botticelli, Michelangelo, Raphael 5.American Founding Fathers - Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, George Washington 6.Naturalists and Geologists - Louis Agassiz, Charles Darwin, James Hutton 7.Physicists - Sir John Cockcroft, Sir Isaac Newton, Edward Teller, 8.Composers - Johann Sebastian Bach, Ludwig Van Beethoven, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 9.Philosophers of science - Aristotle, Sir Francis Bacon, Albert Einstein 10.Singer songwriters - Bob Dylan, Jimi Hendrix, Roy Orbison 11.Business Magnates - Bill Gates, John Paul Getty Jnr, Aristotle Onassis 12.Actors, writers - Woody Allen, Mel Brooks, Billy Wilder

4 What is Autism? A very complex, baffling developmental disability Autism is considered a new developmental disorder as it did not clinically exist until 1944.did not clinically exist First described by Leo Kanner and Hans Asperger in the 1940’s Both Kanner and Asperger choose the word ‘autistic' in order to characterise the nature of the underlying disturbance. The first autistic classes within special education were started in the middle of the 70s.

5 Donald Gray Triplett of Mississippi

6 What is Autism? It falls in the diagnostic category Pervasive Developmental Disorder There are 5 types of disorder under ‘Pervasive Developmental Disorder’ or PDD. Pervasive Development Disorder Not Otherwise Specified Autism Asperger’s Syndrome Rett Syndrome Childhood Disintegrative Disorder.

7 Autism Facts A lifelong developmental disability affecting 1 in 100 people in the UK. 4 times more prevalent in boys A condition with no known racial, ethnic or social boundaries, and there is no relation to family income or lifestyle A condition very likely neurological in origin A spectrum condition

8 The Triad of Impairment People with autism share three main areas of difficulty, known as the ‘triad of impairments’. However their condition will affect them in very different ways

9 The Triad of Impairment Social Interaction Social Imagination Social Communication


11 Diagnosing Autism Parental/School Concerns The CHAT Test – The Checklist for Autism in Toddlers Different Diagnosticians using different methods but have to follow NICE Clinical Guidelines Theory of Mind – The Sally and Ann Test

12 The Theory Of Mind – The Sally and Ann Test

13 The Theory of Mind – The Jennifer and Marius Test This is Jennifer This is Marius Jennifer has a basketMarius has a box

14 Jennifer puts a bottle of wine in her basket

15 Jennifer goes for a walk Marius takes the wine out of the basket And puts it in his box!

16 Jennifer comes back. She needs a drink Where will she look for her wine?

17 Possible Autistic Behaviours An insistence on sameness.- Development of fixed routines Repetitive behaviour and Obsessive behaviour including an obsession with a particular topic or object Difficulty managing anger Attentional and perceptual abnormalities – notice fine details and very small changes in their environment. Difficulties generalising learning to new situations. Can have exceptional talents and abilities (savant abilities).

18 Savants "Autistic savant" refers to individuals with autism who have extraordinary skills not exhibited by most persons. The most common forms involve mathematical calculations, memory feats, artistic abilities, and musical abilities. Autistic savants account for 50% of people with savant syndrome, while the other 50% have other forms of developmental disability or brain injury. Quite remarkably, as many as 1 in 10 autistic people show some degree of savant skill.

19 Savants Kim Peek Derek Paravicini and_adam_ockelford_in_the_key_of_genius?l anguage=en Daniel Tammet Stephen Wiltshire %20tammett&qs=n&form=QBVR&pq=daniel% 20tammett&sc=7-14&sp=- 1&sk=#view=detail&mid=C93BC60A5B940B2AE D17C93BC60A5B940B2AED17

20 Quiz - Famous People with Autism 1.Famous artists, painters, cartoonists - Walt Disney, Jackson Pollock, Andy Warhol 2.19 th century poets - Charlotte Bronte, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Emily Dickinson 3.Fairy tale writers - Hans Christian Anderson, Lewis Carroll, Wilhelm Grimm 4.Italian Sculptor, painters, architects - Botticelli, Michelangelo, Raphael 5.American Founding Fathers - Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, George Washington 6.Naturalists and Geologists - Louis Agassiz, Charles Darwin, James Hutton 7.Physicists - Sir John Cockcroft, Sir Isaac Newton, Edward Teller, 8.Composers - Johann Sebastion Bach, Ludwig Van Beethoven, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 9.Philosophers of science - Aristotle, Sir Francis Bacon, Albert Einstein 10.Singer songwriters - Bob Dylan, Jimi Hendrix, Roy Orbison 11.Business Magnates - Bill Gates, John Paul Getty Jnr, Aristotle Onassis 12.Actors, writers - Woody Allen, Mel Brooks, Billy Wilder

21 Past, Present and Future Treatments Therapy Technology 1&sk=#view=detail&mid=39E75CE66281593EA6F739E75CE66281593EA6F7

22 A Report by Scott Long – the father of an autistic daughter

23 Last Thoughts on Autism “I know of nobody who is purely autistic, or purely neurotypical. Even God has some autistic moments, which is why the planets spin.” ― Jerry Newport,Jerry Newport So it Goes

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