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Dr. Jackie Gilson CPS School Psychologist. Different kinds of stress: * Distress * Eustress Stress is normal. Stress is important. Stress helps you succeed.

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Presentation on theme: "Dr. Jackie Gilson CPS School Psychologist. Different kinds of stress: * Distress * Eustress Stress is normal. Stress is important. Stress helps you succeed."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr. Jackie Gilson CPS School Psychologist

2 Different kinds of stress: * Distress * Eustress Stress is normal. Stress is important. Stress helps you succeed. Mental health as a continuum.

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4 Become a good consumer of the vocabulary you are using. Ex. “I’m freaking out” Become aware of the language at home-you can be a catalyst of change Be aware of the vocabulary your friends are using. Stay away from drama and relationships that don’t support your mental health.

5 * Polarized thinking (all or nothing) * Tunnel Vision (seeing only what fits, usually negative) * Overgeneralization (conclusion based on 1 incident) * Arbitrary Inference (conclusion contrary to data) * Perfectionism (distorted standards) * Personalization (tying external events to yourself without basis) * Right-fighting (being right is most important) * Catastrophizing (expect disaster-no matter what)

6 We ALL do this The key is to become aware of them! When distressed -make a list! Get it out of your head and decide: * What do I have control over? * What do I not have control over? Anxiety is created whenever you try to control things you have no control over! Honesty=integrated mental health. You are as sick as your secrets.

7 Cognitive Behavior Therapy Thoughts Feelings Behaviors

8 * Thoughts Minimize stress by cutting down on non-essentials What is your standard? “What’s the worst that could happen?” Challenge distorted thinking and negative core beliefs * Feelings What are the things that make you calm and happy? List at least 10 things that restore you and do them! * Behaviors Exercise, diet, sleep (!) Predictable, supportive peers and family relationships Modeling. For yourself and those around you. Meditation and relaxation techniques

9 Jackie Gilson, EdD, NCSP CPS School psychologist serving Lane Tech and DeVry High Schools

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