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Hinduism and Buddhism Activities. Bell Work 10/22 Paste Your 2 nd Nine Weeks Assignment Log into your Journal Record Available Grades Staple Your Venn.

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Presentation on theme: "Hinduism and Buddhism Activities. Bell Work 10/22 Paste Your 2 nd Nine Weeks Assignment Log into your Journal Record Available Grades Staple Your Venn."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hinduism and Buddhism Activities

2 Bell Work 10/22 Paste Your 2 nd Nine Weeks Assignment Log into your Journal Record Available Grades Staple Your Venn Diagram into Your Journal

3 Hinduism (12) Buddhism (8) Both (6) Polytheistic Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva Started around 1500 BC Goal is to reach Brahma Salvation is Moksha Fasting Vedas Accepts Caste System Most Complex Religion Jainism No Founder Largest Religion in India No god The Eightfold Path Started around 500 BC Goal is to reach Nirvana Buddha Rejects Caste System Four Noble Truths Theravada Mahayana Reincarnation Non-Violence Holy Writing Originated in India Meditation Karma

4 Homework Due: On Your Block Day Choose Hinduism or Buddhism. Create an “informational poster” using the chosen religion Poster must include color Must include at least one picture that pertains to the religion chosen White paper is available, if needed.

5 Individuals Place in society based on birth, wealth, or occupation 3,000 castes once existed in India. Individuals could rarely change castes. Caste Rules Sutras (guides) listed all the rules for the caste system. Breaking rules resulted in a transfer to a lower class. Caste System

6 Caste System Activity 10 Minutes Look at your sign To what group have you been caste? Go stand under the sign of your caste and perform the tasks of only number 1. When you hear the chime, perform the tasks of number 2. Brahmins Kshatriyas Vaishyas Sudras Untouchables You will be reincarnated and we will perform the above instructions again.

7 Brahmins Priests and highest varna 1.Sit around and study in your area. 2.Wait on Kshatriyas to come for advice If you see any other varna associating with another, outcast them.

8 Kshatriyas Rulers and Warriors 1.Do push ups, jumping jacks or stretch, while some discuss how to keep the Mongols from invading. 2.Pretend to knock on the temple of the priests to get advice on how to keep the peace. Get the Untouchables back to their areas without touching them

9 Vaisyas Farmers, Craftspeople and Traders 1.Pretend to plant/pick crops, while others pretend to create pottery. 2.Continue to do your jobs while having conversations with only Vaisyas. Watch out for Untouchables, if they come close to you be sure to make a scene.

10 Sudras Workers and Servants 1.Pretend to help each other construct a building. 2.Sweep the area, while having conversations only in your area with other Sudras Watch out for Untouchables, if they come close to you be sure to make a scene.

11 Untouchables Complete Outcast and the lowest caste 1.Pretend to clean sewage while others prepare funeral arrangements. 2.Walk into the room close to the Sudras and Vaisyas, but do not talk or touch anyone. Do what you are told.

12 Meditation Once you've trained your mind to focus on just one thing at a time, the next step is focus on nothing at all, essentially "clearing" your mind. This requires tremendous discipline, but it is the pinnacle of meditation. After focusing on a single point as described in the previous step, you can either cast it away, or observe it impartially and let it come and then go, without labeling it as "good" or "bad". Take the same approach to any thoughts which return to your mind until silence perseveres.

13 Meditation Set aside time to Meditate everyday Find or create a quiet, relaxing environment Sit on level ground Relax everything Let your attention rest on the flow of your breath Silence your mind

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