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Natural Disasters 7-4.3 Explain the interaction among changes in the environment due to natural hazards, changes in populations, and limiting factors.

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Presentation on theme: "Natural Disasters 7-4.3 Explain the interaction among changes in the environment due to natural hazards, changes in populations, and limiting factors."— Presentation transcript:

1 Natural Disasters 7-4.3 Explain the interaction among changes in the environment due to natural hazards, changes in populations, and limiting factors

2 Factors that Change the Environment
Changes In Population Limiting Factors Natural Hazards All Lead to

3 Limiting Factors Food Water Space Shelter

4 Limiting Factor Limiting Factor – any biotic(living/was living) or abiotic(non-living) factor that limits the # of individuals in a population

5 Changes in Population Population Density – the amount of people living in a given amount of space

6 Immigration and Emigration
Births and Deaths Births add to a population Deaths decrease a population Immigration and Emigration + “Immigration” means to move “in” to a population - Emigration “exits” the population

7 Carrying Capacity What does the word carry mean???
Example: I am carrying 5 books. What does the word capacity mean???? Example: Clemson’s “Death Valley” Memorial Stadium’s seating capacity is 80,301.

8 Carrying Capacity The largest amount of individuals
of a species that an environment can support and maintain for a long period of time.

9 PACT Workbook Read pages 132-134 Answer ‘Before You Read’
Answer 1-3 in the Margins Answer 1-3 on page 135 Page 37 (Blue Side) Page 38 Page 39

10 Large areas of ground movement of rock & Earth
Landslide Large areas of ground movement of rock & Earth

11 What are they caused by?…..
Rains Floods Earthquakes Human causes Excessive development Clear cutting for lumber

12 Examples of Effects 4) Disrupting Power lines 3) Destroying Habitats
2) Damaging Homes Blocking Roads

13 Wildfires What are they caused by?????? Lightning Strikes Humans
Natural event in grasslands and forests Lightning Strikes Humans

14 Examples of Effects ON THE BRIGHT SIDE . . . 3) Destroying Habitats
2) Destroying Homes Increase Air Pollution

15 FLOODS 2 TYPES Regular River Floods Flash Floods
Deposition of sediment & Nutrients Creation of fertile soil Damage Property Endanger humans & animals

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