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To review and evaluate your work and the work of others. AO1 Develop your understanding of identity and portraiture terms and meanings. AO1 Experiment.

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Presentation on theme: "To review and evaluate your work and the work of others. AO1 Develop your understanding of identity and portraiture terms and meanings. AO1 Experiment."— Presentation transcript:

1 To review and evaluate your work and the work of others. AO1 Develop your understanding of identity and portraiture terms and meanings. AO1 Experiment with a range of materials and techniques. AO2 and AO3

2 Identity n, pl –ties 1 the state of being a specified person or thing. 2 the individual characteristics by which a person or thing is recognized. 3 the state of being the same. Difference? Belonging? Physical features? Individuality? Groups? Community? Understanding of ourselves? Hobbies and interests? Allegiance? Consider the theme of identity and create a spider diagram to display your ideas.

3 Roger Ballen is an American photographer who resides in Johannesburg. He specialises in black and white photographs. What effect does this have on his work? Ballen’s work could be described as gritty and hard hitting. He captures so much expression in such simply constructed still images. OUTLAND Factory Worker Holding Portrait of Grandfather. How do you think Roger Ballen displays a sense of identity? What techniques does he use to do this?

4 Ron Mueck is an Australian sculptor who specialises in sculpting the human figure. Originally, he worked in the television industry creating mannequins. His work is incredibly life like and is usually of a large scale. How would you describe the sense of identity that is portrayed by these sculptures? What’s their story?

5 Stanley Spencer was a British artist who documented his personal isolation and convoluted (intricate, twisted, complex) relationships with his mistresses and wives. His work displays a sense of physical and psychological intensity

6 Frida Kahlo was a Mexican portrait artist. She is well renowned for her self portraits. She suffered lifelong health problems after a car crash in her teens. These issues are often reflected in her work. Also Mexican culture and American indian cultural tradition figure prominently in her work "I paint myself because I am so often alone and because I am the subject I know best."


8 Western portrait painters from the time of the Renaissance onwards often included objects or symbols in their prints, drawings and paintings. These were designed to add to our knowledge of the identity and character of the sitter. Often, adding a particular facial expression can induce a sense of identity in a portrait. The background or the place where the portrait is set can offer a sense of identity. Simply, a self- portrait displays identity because it is you!




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