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Verification A first attempt to WP 5.6.2 Preliminary results of one test case Matteo Buzzi, Pirmin Kaufmann, Dominique Ruffieux, Francis Schubiger MeteoSwiss.

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Presentation on theme: "Verification A first attempt to WP 5.6.2 Preliminary results of one test case Matteo Buzzi, Pirmin Kaufmann, Dominique Ruffieux, Francis Schubiger MeteoSwiss."— Presentation transcript:

1 Verification A first attempt to WP 5.6.2 Preliminary results of one test case Matteo Buzzi, Pirmin Kaufmann, Dominique Ruffieux, Francis Schubiger MeteoSwiss

2 Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, 09.03.2005 1 Compared model runs for forecast of 12.12.04 Model versions: Exp001 Exp002 operational aLMo (without TKE) and LM aLMo-TKE:TKE version opr at DWD + “last changes” SYNOP total cloudiness, T(k=ke, 2m), qv (k=ke), Td2m Model diffusion coefficients and TKE in the PBL at Payerne Measurements from Payerne Sounding T2m, T5cm ANETZ T2m, Td2m, (T-Td)2m, 10m-wind, total cloudiness

3 Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, 09.03.2005 2 Shortcomings for conditional verification Only one test case with: over the Swiss Middleland: low clouds (stratus) but not in the model forecast wind at 10 m and in the PBL very weak SYNOP verification not yet available as conditional verification no precipitation

4 Verification Surface Verification with SYNOP of the PBL Tuning Experiment at ECMWF Pirmin Kaufmann, MeteoSwiss

5 Verification Total cloud cover

6 Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, 09.03.2005 5 Total cloud cover +00 h (interpolated from IFS)

7 Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, 09.03.2005 6 Total cloud cover +12 h (noon)

8 Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, 09.03.2005 7 Total cloud cover +24 h (midnight)

9 Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, 09.03.2005 8 Total cloud cover +36 h (noon)

10 Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, 09.03.2005 9 Total cloud cover +48 h (midnight)

11 Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, 09.03.2005 10 Total cloud cover +60 h (noon)

12 Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, 09.03.2005 11 Total cloud cover +72 h (midnight)

13 Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, 09.03.2005 12 Mean total cloud cover 06 - 72 h Large parts of N Europe is covered by 100% clouds exp002 has more clouds over N Europe Obs exp001 exp002

14 Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, 09.03.2005 13 Total cloud cover bias 06 - 72 h higher values in exp002 some better: N Germany, Poland some worse: Italy, eastern ¼ of domain exp001 exp002

15 Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, 09.03.2005 14 CLCT: exp 001, 002, LM full line: obs (ANETZ) dashed black: 001, red: 002, blue: LM obs (ANETZ) 001 002 LM

16 Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, 09.03.2005 15 CLCT: aLMo, 932, LM full line: obs (ANETZ) dashed black: noTKE, red: 932, blue: LM

17 Verification Temperature

18 Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, 09.03.2005 17 Temperature at level 45 at +00 h (midnight)

19 Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, 09.03.2005 18 Temperature at level 45 at +12 h (noon)

20 Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, 09.03.2005 19 Temperature at level 45 at +24 h (midnight)

21 Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, 09.03.2005 20 Temperature at level 45 at +36 h (noon)

22 Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, 09.03.2005 21 Temperature at level 45 at +48 h (midnight)

23 Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, 09.03.2005 22 Temperature at level 45 at +60 h (noon)

24 Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, 09.03.2005 23 Temperature at level 45 at +72 h (midnight)

25 Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, 09.03.2005 24 Temperature bias 2 m 06 - 72 h much lower values in exp002 strong cold bias in exp002 exp001 exp002

26 Verification Humidity

27 Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, 09.03.2005 26 Specific humidity at level 45 at +00 h (midnight)

28 Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, 09.03.2005 27 Specific humidity at level 45 at +12 h (noon)

29 Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, 09.03.2005 28 Specific humidity at level 45 at +24 h (midnight)

30 Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, 09.03.2005 29 Specific humidity at level 45 at +36 h (noon)

31 Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, 09.03.2005 30 Specific humidity at level 45 at +48 h (midnight)

32 Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, 09.03.2005 31 Specific humidity at level 45 at +60 h (noon)

33 Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, 09.03.2005 32 Specific humidity at level 45 at +72 h (midnight)

34 Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, 09.03.2005 33 Dew point temperature bias 2 m 06 - 72 h much lower values in exp002 strong negative bias in exp002 exp001 exp002

35 Verification Vertical profiles Payerne (PBL)

36 Verification 12.12.2004 @ 00 Radiosounding EXP01 (00+00) EXP02 (00+00)

37 Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, 09.03.2005 36 12.12.2004 @ 12 Radiosounding EXP01 (00+12) EXP02 (00+12) aLMo (12+00)

38 Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, 09.03.2005 37 13.12.2004 @ 00 Radiosounding EXP01 (00+24) EXP02 (00+24) aLMo (12+12)

39 Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, 09.03.2005 38 13.12.2004 @ 12 Radiosounding EXP01 (00+36) EXP02 (00+36) aLMo (12+24)

40 Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, 09.03.2005 39 14.12.2004 @ 00 Radiosounding EXP01 (00+48) EXP02 (00+48) aLMo (12+36)

41 Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, 09.03.2005 40 14.12.2004 @ 12 Radiosounding EXP01 (00+60) EXP02 (00+60) aLMo (12+48)

42 Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, 09.03.2005 41 15.12.2004 @ 00 Radiosounding EXP01 (00+72) EXP02 (00+72) aLMo (12+60)

43 Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, 09.03.2005 42 Temperature temperature 2m T_2M (aLMo) CLIMAP hourly T_2m (ANETZ) temperature 0m T_G (aLMo) CLIMAP hourly T_5cm (ANETZ)

44 Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, 09.03.2005 43

45 Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, 09.03.2005 44 Short-wave radiation GLOB+ALB_RAD  Kup + Kbudget BSRN Kup + Kdown  Kbudget Radiation

46 Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, 09.03.2005 45

47 Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, 09.03.2005 46

48 Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, 09.03.2005 47 Long-wave radiation LW_IN_TG LW_IN_T2M BSRN LW-down Radiation

49 Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, 09.03.2005 48

50 Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, 09.03.2005 49 Shortwave radiation Payerne

51 Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, 09.03.2005 50 Longwave radiation Payerne

52 Verification Model diffusion coefficients and TKE in the PBL at Payerne

53 Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, 09.03.2005 52 Turbulent diffusion coefficients Payerne

54 Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, 09.03.2005 53 TKE of the lowest 3 layers

55 Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, 09.03.2005 54 TKE lowest 20 layers Payerne

56 Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, 09.03.2005 55 Surface and soil T

57 Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, 09.03.2005 56 Temperature in the lowest layers

58 Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, 09.03.2005 57 T2M: exp 001, 002, LM full line: obs (ANETZ) dashed black: 001, red: 002, blue: LM obs (ANETZ) 001 002 LM

59 Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, 09.03.2005 58 T2M: aLMo, aLMo-TKE, LM full line: obs (ANETZ) dashed black: noTKE, red: TKE, blue: LM obs noTKE TKE LM

60 Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, 09.03.2005 59 DP2M: exp 001, 002, LM full line: obs (ANETZ) dashed black: 001, red: 002, blue: LM obs (ANETZ) 001 002 LM

61 Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, 09.03.2005 60 DP2M: aLMo, aLMo-TKE, LM full line: obs (ANETZ) dashed black: noTKE, red: TKE, blue: LM obs noTKE TKE LM

62 Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, 09.03.2005 61 DP2M: exp 001, 002, LM selected stations LuganoSamedan ChurNapf (Rheintal) SionLocarno NeuchâtelStabio full line: obs (ANETZ) dashed black: 001, red: 002, blue: LM obs 001 002 LM

63 Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, 09.03.2005 62 DP2M: aLMo, aLMo-TKE, LM selected stations LuganoSamedan ChurNapf (Rheintal) SionLocarno NeuchâtelStabio obs noTKE TKE LM full line: obs (ANETZ) dashed black: noTKE, red: TKE, blue: LM

64 Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, 09.03.2005 63 DPD2M: exp 001, 002, LM full line: obs (ANETZ) dashed black: 001, red: 002, blue: LM obs (ANETZ) 001 002 LM

65 Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, 09.03.2005 64 DPD2M: aLMo, aLMo-TKE, LM full line: obs (ANETZ) dashed black: noTKE, red: TKE, blue: LM obs noTKE TKE LM

66 Verification COSMO WG3/5 workshop, Langen, 09.03.2005 65 Summary (Exp002 as compared to Exp001) PBL at Payerne: especially during the night and in the first part of the forecast reduced dry bias (less dry) reduced warm bias (colder) SYNOP: increased negative bias in T2m and Td2m increased regions with low clouds over land Diffusion coefficients, TKE and T(ground till k=ke-2) at Payerne Lower values in Exp002 (as defined in set-up) in temperature: extremely large vertical gradients and „erratic“ temporal behaviour (not understood) ANETZ: Larger diurnal amplitude in T2m (colder during night) „erratic“ behaviour in Td2m at some locations in Exp002 and LM

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