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Dan Boulos Eric Huang Elizabeth Kumabe. Goal Teach visitors (focusing those between 10~20 years old) the proper reef etiquette while visiting Hanauma.

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Presentation on theme: "Dan Boulos Eric Huang Elizabeth Kumabe. Goal Teach visitors (focusing those between 10~20 years old) the proper reef etiquette while visiting Hanauma."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dan Boulos Eric Huang Elizabeth Kumabe

2 Goal Teach visitors (focusing those between 10~20 years old) the proper reef etiquette while visiting Hanauma Bay

3 Performance Objective Audience Young visitors who are between 10 ~ 20 years old Young visitors who are between 10 ~ 20 years old Behavior will demonstrate the best practice of reef etiquette by playing the interactive learning game will demonstrate the best practice of reef etiquette by playing the interactive learning game Condition With the information from the exhibits in the education center With the information from the exhibits in the education center Degree The gamers will identify those destructive reef behaviors and destroy 90% of the game targets The gamers will identify those destructive reef behaviors and destroy 90% of the game targets

4 Performance Objectives Entry level skills Identify Reef Importance of Reef Destructive behaviors

5 Strategy Appealing to target audience Cartoon caricatures Graphics Efficient Short and basic Engaging Story Familiarized environment and creatures/objects Interactive Motion sensing technology, positive and negative feedbacks

6 Story Overview LaniHuli is the last honu in Hanauma bay. You thought your work day was hard LaniHuli has an even harder time surviving his work day as Honu ambassabor to the bay.

7 Story Overview He wakes up at dawns first light and his day is full of pitfalls and adventures. As the game begins you must protect LaniHuli from rubbish and debris left by visitors and drawn in by the tide, as he looks for his breakfast in the corals of the bay.

8 Obstacles:

9 Monsters… Just when you think it is safe to play in the water, then the gates of Hanuama Bay open to the public.

10 Monsters… As new visitors arrive the pace quickens as you must protect our innocent Honu from many destructive activities of the new guests of the bay.

11 Monsters… Save Lani Huli from the sun-screen smog monster, and help him navigate though the tromping feet of walking tourists.

12 Monsters… Save him from the coral collectors and the touchy- feely turtle lovers.

13 Weapons Bio-gun : removes trash from path Bubble Gun : floats monsters up up and away

14 Level 1: Scrolling Maze Don’t forget you must help LaniHuli eat along the way or he may not make it through a tough day of surf sun and tourists.

15 Level 2: Monster Challenge If he doesn’t eat often enough he will lose health points. If you successfully remove all the obstacles, LaniHuli will make it to the end of his day, sunset at last.

16 Game Mechanics Gaming Technology MST can be enabled or disabled Settings Customize controller settings Screen Output/Interactive devices Speakers Output device Feedback

17 Game Play Levels Three different levels of challenges Technology Motion Sensing Technology (MST) Tutorial A scaled-down game Game objective/goal Ranking Bragging right

18 Game Play (cont.) Weaponry Choose the right weapon for right targets Screen Information Health Score Level

19 Evaluation Empowered Learners (Gee) Interactive Apply knowledge (from Education Center) Motivate learners to apply the knowledge in the real world Problem solving (Gee) Sequence Challenges are incremental Doable, sandbox

20 Thank you!

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