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Membership District 5550 Assembly 2012 - Saskatoon BUILDING IMAGE AND AWARENESS.

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Presentation on theme: "Membership District 5550 Assembly 2012 - Saskatoon BUILDING IMAGE AND AWARENESS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Membership District 5550 Assembly 2012 - Saskatoon BUILDING IMAGE AND AWARENESS

2 RI Membership Numbers Rotary International - July 2010 Members: 1,227,563 Clubs: 34,216 Districts: 530 Rotary International - July 2011 Members: 1,223,413 (- 4150) Clubs: 34,301 (+85) Districts: 530 District 5550 Assembly 2012 - Saskatoon

3 Why worry about Membership? District Numbers as of March 31, 2011 (9 months) – 48 clubs New Rotarians44 Rotarians Lost43 Net increase 1 18 clubs recorded a net increase of one or more members 14 clubs who had a net loss over the same period 16 clubs have had no change in membership status District 5550 Assembly 2012 - Saskatoon

4 District 5550 Growth Report (See copy of report on your tables) Membership changes in District 2007 to 2012 Look at our own clubs in particular District 5550 Assembly 2012 - Saskatoon

5 Prior Generations Reasons for Joining Rotary Social Considerations Stature in the Community Business Networking Entertainment / Fellowship Connections within Our Community District 5550 Assembly 2012 - Saskatoon

6 Current Generations Reasons for Joining Rotary The Desire to do Something important Outside the workplace The Desire to Work within a Group of Peers The opportunity to Develop Leadership Skills District 5550 Assembly 2012 - Saskatoon

7 Rotary Leadership Institute A grassroots coalition of Rotary districts implementing a leadership development program for "potential" leaders of Rotary CLUBS D5550 is exploring the possibility of implementing this in the future. District 5550 Assembly 2012 - Saskatoon

8 THE MEMBERSHIP PROCESS District 5550 Assembly 2012 - Saskatoon

9 Membership Retention Strategy An effective membership retention effort doesn’t just happen. It has four equally working parts: 1. The cooperation of your club’s officers and directors; 2. The work of the members of your own committee; 3. The understanding and cooperation of all club members, 4. a well-planned, efficiently executed annual membership development and retention program. District 5550 Assembly 2012 - Saskatoon

10 Membership Development Committee Strategy Workshop Using the Strategic Planning Guide List 3 Strengths & 3 Weaknesses that you perceive in your clubs at present in: Attracting New Members Retaining Existing Members Where do you want to be in 6 to 12 months What would make your club standout District 5550 Assembly 2012 - Saskatoon

11 Membership Ideas & Resources New Member Monitoring Checklist “Associate” Memberships (RC of Regina Eastview) “Corporate” Membership Membership Strategy (RC of Truro, NS)

12 What must we do to improve Membership in our clubs? Become personally involved and committed Focus on Membership every week/month Be proud of our Rotary Membership Talk about what your club does for your community and internationally Ask, ask, ask others to take part in Rotary “If it is to be, it must start with me.” District 5550 Assembly 2012 - Saskatoon

13 Public Image District 5550 Assembly 2012 - Saskatoon BUILDING IMAGE AND AWARENESS

14 PUBLIC IMAGE Is PI necessary to interest folks in Rotary? If so, what type of PR is affordable & effective? 1. Word of mouth – (family, friends, business associates) 2. Regular club newsletter 3. Local media (newspaper, radio & TV) 4. Billboards 5. Social media 6. Web site 7. RI promotional material District 5550 Assembly 2012 - Saskatoon

15 2008 Survey by RI

16 Public Relations in District 5550 PR GRANTs – Humanity In Motion 2007, 2008 & 2009 - All clubs participated by contributing a per capita amount to qualify for the RI Grant - Humanity in Motion ads ran on CTV & CBC - RI Videos on YouTube, Vimeo District 5550 Assembly 2012 - Saskatoon

17 Public Relations in District 5550 New opportunity for PR Grants in 2012-13 Kelvin Pankiw – RC of Prince Albert District 5550 Assembly 2012 - Saskatoon

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