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Energy Resources Where does electricity come from?

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Presentation on theme: "Energy Resources Where does electricity come from?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Energy Resources Where does electricity come from?

2 Where do you think our electrical energy comes from?


4 Glen Canyon Dam - Arizona Hoover Dam Hydroelectric


6 Generators Glen Canyon Dam

7 Hydroelectric Pros-cons ProsCons

8 Hydroelectric Pros-cons Pros Cons Clean energy Renewable Destroys habitats Not always available

9 Coal fired plants in Virginia: 1.Potomac River 2.Bremo Bluff 3.Chesterfield 4.Yorktown 5.Chesapeake 6.Clover 7.Glen Lyn 8. Clinch River

10 Major Coal burning power plants in VA


12 Coal Pros-cons ProsCons

13 Coal Pros-cons Pros Cons Available Less expensive Pollution Nonrenewable

14 Nuclear energy

15 Cooling tower

16 Surry Nuclear Power Plant

17 North Anna Nuclear Facility

18 Nuclear power plant - Containment building


20 Nuclear Plant tour Can you handle a disaster?

21 Nuclear Pros-cons ProsCons

22 Nuclear Pros-cons Pros Cons Available Uses less fuel Danger of radiation if accident occurs. Radioactive wastes Nonrenewable

23 Solar Array

24 Solar Carport Distributed Photovoltaics


26 Solar Pros-cons ProsCons

27 Solar Pros-cons Pros Available Does not pollute environment Renewable Cons Photovoltaic cells are expensive. The sunlight is often lessened by weather conditions so a back up system is needed.



30 Wind Pros-cons ProsCons

31 Wind Pros-cons Pros Clean source of energy Renewable Cons Some believe wind turbines are unsightly.(ugly) Wind turbines could upset migration routes of birds.

32 Pumped Storage At Lake Michigan





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