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A BIOETHICAL DILEMMA Establishing State Vaccination Policies.

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Presentation on theme: "A BIOETHICAL DILEMMA Establishing State Vaccination Policies."— Presentation transcript:

1 A BIOETHICAL DILEMMA Establishing State Vaccination Policies

2 Ashland, OR /view/ /view/ What are some reasons for each side of the debate?  Those who favor vaccines  Those who oppose mandatory vaccines

3 Maryland: Vaccines or Else! 11/17/harris.maryland.child.vaccine.cnn?iref=allsear ch 11/17/harris.maryland.child.vaccine.cnn?iref=allsear ch Do you agree with county officials in Maryland? What ethical questions arise from this?

4 Our guiding question for this activity: Under what circumstances, if any, should a state grant exemptions to its school vaccination policy? At the end of activity, you will make a recommendation to the Washington State public health department regarding school vaccination policy.

5 Gathering the Facts 3 stations, 7 minutes at each station  Vaccine-preventable diseases (pink)  Vaccine risks (orange)  Exemptions (green) Gather facts, work together in your group, complete your worksheet

6 Key Questions Ethical question: Under what circumstances, if any, should a state grant exemptions to its school vaccination policy?

7 Key Questions Relevant Facts:  Chances of contracting disease, and harm from disease VARIES  Vaccine risks are low (a few exceptions)  Childhood infectious disease has been nearly eliminated due to vaccinations  Sometimes outbreaks occur due to vaccine failure or because people have not been vaccinated  Every state allows at least one type of exemption to mandatory vaccination policy (medical, religious, philosophical)

8 Think about this: Are some reasons for wanting to opt out of vaccination more acceptable than others? For example: is refusing a vaccination because of fears about health risks as acceptable as refusing because of fear of needles?

9 Reminder… Test Friday  Chapter 19: Virus and Bacteria  Chapter 40: Immune System Study:  Learning Targets(get this today)  Reading Guides  Immune response worksheet (blue)  Blood Type chart

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