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Heavy Metal: To Kill or Not to Kill? Can Heavy Metal Cause Suicide, Murder or Aggression? By: Stephanie Olson.

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Presentation on theme: "Heavy Metal: To Kill or Not to Kill? Can Heavy Metal Cause Suicide, Murder or Aggression? By: Stephanie Olson."— Presentation transcript:

1 Heavy Metal: To Kill or Not to Kill? Can Heavy Metal Cause Suicide, Murder or Aggression? By: Stephanie Olson

2 My Story As the mother of a teenaged son music is one thing that I have become concerned about. Several years ago as I was walking past my son’s room I heard what could only be described in few words: unintelligible growling, someone torturing an electric guitar and a mesmerizing baseline. Thankfully I couldn’t understand most of the lyrics and what I could decipher made me blush. At that moment I asked myself if violence and aggression could be associated with heavy metal and what the h*** was it doing to my kid. After pondering that question for a while I took it to my husband.


4 Suicide Solution. Blamed for the suicide of John McCollum. History of depression. Parents took Ozzy to court. Ozzy Osborne

5 Marilyn Manson Blamed for the Columbine shootings. Later found out that they didn’t listen to Marilyn Manson. Headlines still blame his music.

6 Preferred music the 3 teen boys that murdered 15 year old Elyse Pahler. Raped and used as a “human sacrifice”. Listened to “PostMortem” and “Dead Skin Mask” before murder.

7 A French couple disappeared from a pub in France. Eventually found that the drummer from an affiliated death metal band (self proclaimed Satanist) had violently killed them. Sam Bagnall "Investigating the 'Death Metal' Murders." BBC News


9 If heavy metal is preferred music it has been shown to have positive effects. Helps teens release aggression. Used as a means of escape. Moods improved. Calm and more relaxed. Researcher and Writter for Metamorphical Platypus

10 Interviewed Sam Dunn a PhD in Anthropology Documentary filmmaker States that “Heavy Metal” is used as a “Scapegoat” Finger pointing: Parents, Religious groups and the public. CNN "Heavy Metal and Violence: More than a Myth?"

11 Shaleen L Coss Study of 175 college students. Research suggested that emotions may be what draws the listener to specific genres. Music is subjective, means different things to different people. Aggressive individuals may be drawn to aggressive music. Shaleen L Coss, Loyola University, Dept Psychology

12 Questions, Comments Concerns?

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