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G REEN IT Final Report Arthur Lio April 2013 Lithuania.

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Presentation on theme: "G REEN IT Final Report Arthur Lio April 2013 Lithuania."— Presentation transcript:

1 G REEN IT Final Report Arthur Lio April 2013 Lithuania

2 A GENDA Introduction Project Objective Desired Outcome Scope and Challenges Worked Done Tentative Sub Projects Project Team 2

3 I NTRODUCTION Dependent on the investments and use of Information Technology (IT) Today's most common global challenge is on the environment Bringing the environmental considerations into IT should be the focus of governments A chance of environmental related questions to lose out in the budgets 3

4 I NTRODUCTION SAIs could help governments focus on environmental questions So far - little audit experience Sharing experiences will be of great value as more and more focus is put to the question of great importance and interest of a SAI to focus on Green IT in their future audits 4

5 P ROJECT O BJECTIVE Describe and give a definition on; the term Green IT the different aspects in which Green IT will be important: aspects related to the audit of IT in the government and the audit entities within a SAI itself 5

6 G REEN IT Reduce need for travel Reduce need for office space Optimizing transportation of goods Industry Heating Suage Virtualization Power management Materials recycling Procurement of equipment Governance of agencies’ green IT work Governance of environmental monitoring Governance Reducing footprint of agencies’ IT operation Reducing footprint of agencies’ processes Improving processes for monitoring of society’s footprint 6

7 D ESIRED O UTCOMES Through a risk based approach produce a list of important questions to ask and areas to cover when auditing Green IT Different aspects may cover among others: policy and governance, identifying relevant risks, set up a action plan, monitoring/evaluations of results, share experiences 7

8 S COPE AND CHALLENGES The project will benefit from trying to narrow it down; step by step approach to the auditing, ie a short list of what aspects to focus on main risks to address in each relevant aspect divide into sub-teams accordingly expand as the project gain experience and material to share 8

9 W ORKED D ONE - T ASK F ORCE Has the Government in your country put Green IT on the agenda? If yes; how has this been done and in what areas/what aspects have been addressed; Governance Reducing footprint of agencies IT operations Improving processes for monitoring of society's footprint Reducing footprint of agencies processes Is there establish any indicators to measure how this work is succeeded? Has your SAI done any work on the topic of Green IT? If yes; what have been your focus and what were the results of your audit? 9

10 G OVERNMENT I NITIATIVE - C ANADA Policy on Green Procurement As part of its ongoing commitment to improve the environment and the quality of life of Canadians, this policy seeks to reduce the environmental impacts of government operations and promote environmental stewardship by integrating environmental performance considerations in the procurement process Federal Sustainable Development Strategy Federal Electronic Waste Strategy As part of its 2007-09 Sustainable Development Strategy, PWGSC has committed to implement a government-wide strategy to reduce the environmental impact of electronic and electrical equipment by 2010. This strategy will address the lifecycle management of these assets through the planning, acquisition, use/maintenance and disposal phases 10

11 G OVERNMENT I NITIATIVE - N ORWAY Environmental and Social Responsibility in Public Procurement (Sustainable Public Procurement) The Government has adopted a specific environmental policy for central government procurement that enters into force on 1 January 2008. All government institutions shall follow up this environmental policy and incorporate it into their internal management systems. Property management and building, including energy use and tropical timber Transport and vehicles, including business travel ICT equipment Food Textiles, including washing and cleaning Health and hygiene consumer materials Printed matter and paper, office furniture and supplies, cleaning services and hotel services ICT equipment Choose ICT equipment with low energy consumption, low content of pollutants and easily upgradeable. Attach importance to e- cooperation when choosing equipment 11

12 G OVERNMENT I NITIATIVE - US Executive Order 13423, “Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy, and Transportation Management”, from 2007 meet at least 95 percent of agencies’ requirements for new electronic products with EPEAT-registered products, unless no applicable EPEAT standard exists; enable the Energy Star feature on agency computers and monitors; establish and implement policies to extend the useful life of agency electronic equipment; and use environmentally sound practices with respect to disposition of agency electronic equipment that has reached the end of its useful life 12

13 G OVERNMENT I NITIATIVE - US Executive Order 13514, “Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy, and Economic Performance”, from 2009 30 percent reduction in vehicle fleet petroleum use by fiscal year 2020; 26 percent improvement in water efficiency by fiscal year 2020; and 50 percent non-hazardous waste diversion by fiscal year 2015 13

14 SAI W ORK ON THE T OPIC - GAO Agencies Have Taken Steps to Implement Requirements, Additional Guidance on Measuring Performance Needed Have developed sustainability performance plans and taken additional steps to implement the executive orders’ requirements. The overall effectiveness of the agencies’ efforts cannot be measured because key performance information is not available. Specifically, the agencies have not identified the information needed to measure the progress or results of their efforts. GAO identified a number of leading practices used by federal, state, and local government and private-sector organizations that are relevant to green IT. These practices include enhanced leadership, dedicated funding, prioritization of efforts, and improved employee training, as well as acquiring IT equipment with the highest energy efficiency ratings; consolidating equipment and services; reducing use of paper; and using new, more efficient computers. For more information, see: 14

15 S COPE AND CHALLENGES Different challenges and needs in different SAIs – how to address this New area - relatively little material available We all should continue to work with the Green IT perspective in the future 15

16 Q UESTIONS /T HANK YOU Mr Arthur Lio Senior Audit Advisor Office of the Auditor General of Norway Tel: + 47 22 24 11 039 E-mail: 16

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