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 Cardiorespiratory Endurance  Muscular Strength  Muscular Endurance  Flexibility  Body Composition.

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2  Cardiorespiratory Endurance  Muscular Strength  Muscular Endurance  Flexibility  Body Composition

3  Definition: heart and lungs working to send oxygen to your muscles during long periods of physical activity.  Aerobic activities are ones which increase heart rate/breathing AND can be continued for a long period of time (i.e. Biking, hiking, jogging)  3-5 days/week, 30-45 minutes each time

4  Intensity = how hard you are working (Remember: You need to be able to maintain the workout for 30 minutes!)  Monitor your level of Intensity: - Target Heart Rate** - Breathing - Perceived Rate of Exertion

5  Definition: Ability of muscles to work against resistance.  Muscular Strength - Lots of weight, low repetitions (3-10 reps per set) - Adds bulk to your muscles  Muscular Endurance - Light amount of weight; many repetitions (12- 20 Repetitions per set) - Focus is toning and recovery.

6  “Rest & Recovery” Principle: Major lifts/workouts should never be performed two days in a row. - Upper body one day, Lower Body the next OR - Total body workout every other day.  Always have a day of rest between lifts/workouts.

7  Definition: Ability of joints and muscles to move in a full range of motion.  Important for injury prevention, increasing body temperature, & increase elasticity of large muscle groups.  Yoga, dance, and pilates = promote and improve flexibility.  15-30 minutes, daily

8 The body is made-up of Muscles Bones Organs Fat A healthy body has a good balance these components based on age and gender.

9 How to improve and/or maintain your level of fitness.

10  Frequency is the number of times a week that you are planning to exercise.  Example: 3-5 days a week

11  Intensity is how hard you are going to work.  Determine Your Target Heart Rate: 60-80% of 220 – Your Age  For a 16 year old: 220 – 16 = 204 60% of 204 = 122 80% of 204 = 163 Target Heart Rate = 122-163 beats per minute

12 in my target heart rate zone of 122-163 bpm.  Example: I am going to work our four days a week in my target heart rate zone of 122-163 bpm.

13  Type is what type of exercise are you going to do.  Example: I am going to jog four days a week in my target heart rate zone of 122-163 bpm.

14  Time is for how long are you going to do that activity.  Example: I am going to jog for thirty minutes four days a week in my target heart rate zone of 122-163 bpm.

15  F  Frequency: 3-5 Days/Week  I  Intensity: 60-80% of Maximum Heart Rate  T  Time: 30-45 minutes each time  T  Type: Jogging

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