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The Importance of Families
Lesson 2 (A66-A73)
Questions… What are the responsibilities of adults in families?
What are the responsibilities of children?
Healthful Family Relationships
Family- Basic unit of society made up of a group of related people. Related by blood- parents and their biological parents Related by Law- parents and their adopted children **Each family is unique, but they all try to meet the physical, emotional, and social needs of their members.**
Basic Family Structures
Couple Family Consists of a husband and wife with no children. Traditional Family Consists of a husband and wife and their children
Basic Family Structures (Con’t)
Foster Family One or more adults caring for a child or children who do not live with their birth parents Single Parent Family One parent and one or more children
Basic Family Structures (Con’t)
Joint-Custody Family Consists of a father and mother who separately spend time with their children and do not live together. Blended Family Husband and wife, one or both of whom have children from a previous relationship.
Basic Family Structures (Con’t)
Extended Family Includes family members from three or more generations, living together.
Changes in Families Birth of a baby Death in the family Separation
Divorce Remarriage Military service What two categories could these changes be placed?
Harmful Family Relationships
Dysfunctional Family- family in which members behave in ways that are not responsible or loving Codependency- a condition in which a person denies feelings and copes in a harmful way in order to avoid upsetting or being rejected by another person Types of Abuse Emotional Abuse Making a person feel worthless by using putdowns Sexual Abuse Sexual behavior that is forced on a person or occurs before the legal age of consent Neglect Failure to provide adequate, necessary care and guidance Physical Abuse Results in physical injury
Harmful Family Relationships
People who are abused often suffer from low self-esteem. Some abused think it is their fault and do not report the abuse or take action to help themselves. Help and Support Protect yourself Leave the situation Support groups Adult Children of Dysfunctional Families Codependents Anonymous Alanon Alateen
Internet Resources
This website provides a number of informational articles to help you deal with tough times within your relationships.
Questions… Many states have laws that require teachers and health care professionals to tell local government officials when they suspect that a child is being abused. Why do you think such a law is a good idea? Why or why not? Why might a person who is being abused by a family member fail to seek help? Suppose a friend confides that she is fearful of an abusive family member. What advice could you give her?
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