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Food for Thought. Favorites Instructions: For each of the following food products, rate the degree to which you like them based on the following scale:

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Presentation on theme: "Food for Thought. Favorites Instructions: For each of the following food products, rate the degree to which you like them based on the following scale:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Food for Thought

2 Favorites Instructions: For each of the following food products, rate the degree to which you like them based on the following scale: 5 = I LOVE it! 4 = I like it 3 = I eat it when I have to 2 = I hate it 1 = I have never tried it










12 Choose a FAVORITE and LEAST FAVORITE (and write it down)

13 Class Results:  Food most commonly voted FAVORITE  A Block:  C Block:  D Block:  Food most commonly voted LEAST FAVORITE  A Block:  C Block:  D Block:

14 Brainstorm…  What factors do people take into consideration when choosing what to eat?

15 Did anyone say…nutritional content?  As you get older, you will likely start to pay more attention to the nutritional value of foods when choosing what to eat  How much do we know about what is healthy and what isn’t?

16 Nutritional Ranking Activity:  Find a partner  Rank the foods shown earlier in the slide show in order of what you think is the healthiest to the least healthy: (1= healthiest 10 = least healthy) – MUST COME TO A CONCENSUS  3 groups share their results on the board

17  Why…are there so many differences in the way people ranked the foods?  Why…is it hard to come up with a list of what is healthy and what isn’t?  What…would help make this decision easier to make?

18 Nutritional Label Activity  Teacher divides class into 5 groups  Using the sample nutritional label the teacher displays on the LCD screen, AND the information packet given on one section of a nutritional label to your group members, write the MOST IMPORTANT information (point form) from your packet on the piece of WHITE PAPER provided by the teacher  Present (“teach”) the class about how to read the section of a nutritional label assigned to your group.  Return all information packets to teacher

19 Chosen Favorite Food : Activity (finish for homework due tomorrow)  Return to the food from the beginning of the slide show that you chose as your FAVORITE  Take a copy of the nutritional label for your favorite food (provided by teacher)  Write ½ page evaluating whether or not this food is a good choice BASED ON NUTRITION

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