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Spring Forum 2011 PBIS-W.I.N. 4 U The Ridge School of Anne Arundel County 16 Romig Drive Crownsville, MD 21032 March 30, 2011 Facilitators: Mrs. Tiwana.

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Presentation on theme: "Spring Forum 2011 PBIS-W.I.N. 4 U The Ridge School of Anne Arundel County 16 Romig Drive Crownsville, MD 21032 March 30, 2011 Facilitators: Mrs. Tiwana."— Presentation transcript:

1 Spring Forum 2011 PBIS-W.I.N. 4 U The Ridge School of Anne Arundel County 16 Romig Drive Crownsville, MD 21032 March 30, 2011 Facilitators: Mrs. Tiwana Cook, Director of Education Ms. Nicole Quinn, Performance Improvement Analyst/PBIS Coach Mr. Craig Brown, Behavior Specialist/PBIS Team Member

2 Objective(s): Participants will identify the role of the Administrator; Participants will brainstorm/list personalities needed to start-up/support PBIS; Participants will examine the ease of PBIS implementation with data tracking system; Participants will assess roadblocks in program and locate alternate routes to success

3 Let’s Pin Down Obstacles

4 Trends that Impact Our Performance Education Reform (Global) Education Reform (Global) MSDE (Statewide) MSDE (Statewide) COMAR regulations13A.08.04.02.B.(12) COMAR regulations13A.08.04.02.B.(12) ( Student Behavior Interventions) ( Student Behavior Interventions) Programmatic Changes (Local) Programmatic Changes (Local)

5 What is PBIS? Positive behavior interventions, strategies, Positive behavior interventions, strategies, and supports" means the application of and supports" means the application of affirmative school-wide and individual student affirmative school-wide and individual student specific actions, instruction, and assistance to specific actions, instruction, and assistance to encourage educational success. encourage educational success. What’s your Share?????

6 Shareholders Make the Difference Administrators Administrators Therapists, Teachers, Behavior Staff, Therapists, Teachers, Behavior Staff, Teacher Assistants, Job Coach Teacher Assistants, Job Coach RTC (Residential Treatment Center) RTC (Residential Treatment Center) Community Community Parents Parents LEAs LEAs Other Behavior Programs Other Behavior Programs

7 Roadblocks 1. Administrators 2. Students 3. Staff 4. Consistency PBIS

8 The Domino Effect Students have been motivated to exhibit positive behaviors due to the desire to receive positive outcomes. Staff have become energized by the positive response from students. The PBIS principles have become synergized throughout our continuum.

9 The Impact of PBIS PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention Support and Strategies) has made a positive impact on The Ridge School of Anne Arundel County. Since we have implemented PBIS: Restraints have decreased by 42.7% Restraints have decreased by 42.7% Our major incident referrals have decreased by Our major incident referrals have decreased by 51.4% 51.4% 2007-2008---- Banner Status 2008-2009---- Gold 2009-2010---- Gold

10 Data Driven: What’s Your IN What is S.W.I.S. data? What is S.W.I.S. data? how to effectively help our students how to effectively help our students how to effectively assist staff how to effectively assist staff how to organize your school (programs, schedules, activities) how to organize your school (programs, schedules, activities) how to realistically determine the positive and negative outcomes of your decisions how to realistically determine the positive and negative outcomes of your decisions

11 W.I.N. 4 You!!!! SWIS Data What our research has produced? What our research has produced? Baseline 2005-2006: 864 Office Referrals 2007-2008: 689 Office Referrals 2007-2008: 689 Office Referrals 529 Referrals420 Referrals

12 It’s All Adding UP Baseline Data 2007: Reading 334 Math 309 Math 309

13 Changing the Way We Think M embers A ttitude R esponse C onsistency H umor PBIS-W.I.N. 4 U

14 What Are Your Thoughts??? Q & A

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