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Vocabulary Created by: Gary Mills August, 2011 Crofton Meadows Elementary School Anne Arundel County Public Schools All content contained herein has been.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary Created by: Gary Mills August, 2011 Crofton Meadows Elementary School Anne Arundel County Public Schools All content contained herein has been."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary Created by: Gary Mills August, 2011 Crofton Meadows Elementary School Anne Arundel County Public Schools All content contained herein has been taken from approved materials provided by The McGraw-Hill Companies

2 Unit 4 ● Week 3 Vocabulary awareness Sentence: Their cleanups have helped raise awareness about pollution. Example: The posters in school raise the students’ awareness about recycling. Ask Your Partner: What is a synonym for awareness? Definition: when you know about something

3 Unit 4 ● Week 3 Vocabulary emphasize Sentence: Emphasize the good you are doing for the world. Example: At school the teachers emphasize the importance of recycling used paper. Ask Your Partner: Do you think people should emphasize the importance of a clean environment? Why? Definition: point something out so other people will notice

4 Unit 4 ● Week 3 Vocabulary pollution Sentence: Their cleanups have helped raise awareness about pollution. Example: When people throw garbage on the ground or in the water, it causes pollution. Ask Your Partner: What are some other ways to prevent pollution? Definition: dirt or garbage in the environment

5 Unit 4 ● Week 3 Vocabulary utilize Sentence: Spread the word. Utilize your local newspaper. Example: I utilize all the sources I can find to gather information for my report. Ask Your Partner: What sources could you utilize to get information for a research report? Definition: when you make good use of something

6 New Word My Definition Actual Definition awareness when you know about something emphasize point something out so other people will notice pollution dirt or garbage in the environment utilize when you make good use of something

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