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Socioliogy Unit 1: Lesson 3. Write down what you see.

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Presentation on theme: "Socioliogy Unit 1: Lesson 3. Write down what you see."— Presentation transcript:

1 Socioliogy Unit 1: Lesson 3

2 Write down what you see

3 What else do you see?

4 What is theoretical perspective? Set of assumptions about an area of study. In sociology it is a set of assumptions about the workings of society

5 I think it is true….. A sociologist assumes their theoretical perspective is true and bases all of their theories on it. For example: If I believe that all teenagers have been abducted by aliens, and that aliens have replaced their brains with alien brains. Then I will see evidence of this in my study of teenagers.

6 Watch this video How does the first map show the perception the people of Siam have about their country? How does Anna’s map reflect a different perspective?

7 5 Key Concepts of Sociology Functional integration Social structure Power Social action Culture

8 Functional integration Interdependence among the parts in a social system Each part has contributions it must make for the system to function well Example: Human body- brain needs oxygen, oxygen comes from blood, circulation is from the heart, blood needs nutrients from food, food comes from digestive system, without the brain we forget to eat

9 Social structure The pattern of social behavior in a group or society Acts as a framework for society by establishing the ways that people and groups are related Examples: family, economy, religion, education, law and politics

10 Power The ability of one party to get other parties to do its will or ensure that it will benefit from the action of other parties

11 Social action The way in which someone’s actions are coordinated with his or her environment

12 Culture The language, norms, values, beliefs, knowledge, symbols, and physical objects that are shared by members of a society or group


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