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Ballymun Dissemination Conference

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1 Ballymun Dissemination Conference
The Role of the Youth Work in the implementation of the Ballymun Youth Guarantee James Doorley 23rd March 2015 ©National Youth Council of Ireland, 2014

2 Youth Guarantee-National
As one of the 1st organisations in Ireland to call for the introduction of a YG welcome the fact that 4 years later we are discussing the Ballymun Pilot Acknowledge & thank John McKeon DSP for the invitation to be a partner on project in Autumn 2012 I’m tasked with reflecting views of YS overall but important to point out most of the work done by Christine Lodge & her team her in BRYR-set against backdrop of reduced funding

3 Youth Guarantee-National
NYCI always convinced that youth sector had key role in implementation of YG-esp in reaching most disadvantaged YW Sector play role of advocate/broker between young ppl & DSP Made submissions to national plan-is disappointing youthwork referenced merely as a footnote

4 Questions for BRYR/NYCI
Was this appropriate role for YW org? How would it fit with purposes & values of YW? Vol participation v conditionality? Implications of involvement for relationship with young people-trust? Was pilot going to be a game changer or just a name changer? Context-30% cuts to youth services-already stretched

5 Rationale for participation
Important that youth work sector locally/nationally contribute to youth employment policy Important to ensure voice of young people was heard & listened to in initiative Youth workers have track record, capacity & credibility to reach young people Important to keep focus on quality opportunities and sustainable employment Opportunity to showcase YW

6 Role of BRYR-YW Advocate for young people but also broker between young ppl & DSP Working with range of other local agencies to deliver on project Supported participation of young ppl & also feed back concerns/views of young ppl to DSP Particular focus on most disadvantaged Aspects of DSP YG model in Ballymun changed as result of feedback facilitated by BRYR

7 Positives Consultation & evaluation from young ppl integral part & respected Increased opportunities for young ppl Great opportunity to work with more of target group-some would not have engaged with other services in BRYR Having opportunity to contribute to design & redesign of initiative Building partnership & contacts with other local agencies Opportunity to highlight role of YW

8 Challenges Conflict between values of YW (voluntary participation) & labour market policy Focus on live register v holistic view of needs of young ppl Young ppl not homogenous Still a struggle to reach most marginalised Time involved was significant No additional resources provided

9 Lessons YW sector needs to be clear about role from start & contribution YW needs to engage with other sectors & make them aware of what they can bring YW needs to be aware of conflict between values of YW and labour market policy YW in advocate/broker space has unique role-bridge between young ppl & PES YW can’t reach all, shouldn’t overpromise YW-has to be recognised & funded

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