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INTEGRATION OF UNMANNED AIRCRAFT SYSTEMS Into the New York Terminal Area Christopher Kennedy Anthony Peri.

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Presentation on theme: "INTEGRATION OF UNMANNED AIRCRAFT SYSTEMS Into the New York Terminal Area Christopher Kennedy Anthony Peri."— Presentation transcript:

1 INTEGRATION OF UNMANNED AIRCRAFT SYSTEMS Into the New York Terminal Area Christopher Kennedy Anthony Peri

2 INTRODUCTION  Integration of Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) into the National Airspace System (NAS)  Plans for UAS in New York Area  Create a set of regulations specific to UAS to match that of manned aircraft  Least intrusive to current policies, efficiency, and safety  Utilise current and future technologies and plans  Broader utilisation of UAS  Security, cartography, photography, weather, commercial

3 HISTORY OF UAS  Used in warfare for over a century  Bombs attached to balloons (Pre-20th Century)  Radio controlled drones for anti-aircraft training (WWII)  Reconnaissance drones (Vietnam War)  Full-sized combat drones (Operation Iraqi Freedom)  More domestic applications  Border patrol, search and rescue, surveillance, etc.

4 NEXTGEN UAS INTEGRATION PLANS  Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen)  Rely on satellite technology for navigation and collision avoidance  increase efficiency/accuracy and decrease costs  integration of UAS must comply with future environment of NextGen


6 DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE INTEGRATION PLANS  Department of Defense (DoD) Plans  DoD leads UAS integration  Wide operations of UAS, National regulation of aircraft and pilot  Partnership with FAA, NASA, Homeland Security, etc.  Outlined points for integration set with DoD and FAA regulations  Aircraft must be certified, pilots must be qualified, and flights must be in compliance with current procedures

7 UAS TECHNOLOGY  UAS Operations  A ground control Station, UAV, Satellite Uplink, and satellite relay  Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen)  Satellite-based system overhaul of NAS  Transponder  Emits identifying signal in response to a received signal  Automatic Dependent Surveillance-broadcast  Aircraft Tracking through satellite navigation  Key element of NextGen  Required for most aircraft by 2020

8 New York Terminal Area and Class B Airspace

9 UAS AIRSPACE DESIGN  The airspace around New York City is very complex due to a large amount of private and commercial air traffic.  After Comparing four airspace proposals, a Special Flight Rules Area with UAS transient routes was adopted, as it fit with the majority of manned flight operations in the New York Area.  This design features two E-W routes and one N-S route to transit the airspace with minimal controller contact.  A corridor will be set up for UAS operations 3 NM wide by 2000 ft in altitude. This will allow free flight while remaining clear of other traffic.


11 SAFETY AND SECURITY CONSIDERATIONS  New York Terminal Area contains three of the busiest airports in the nation, multiple commercial ports, and New York City.  UAS routes and special flight rules area was designed to mitigate threats and hazards while flight of UAS is conducted in this airspace.  Air traffic control must be notified of any course deviations by PIC of UAS system before entering SFRA from transient corridor.  All unmanned aircraft within the lateral boundaries of New York Class B VFR airspace must maintain contact with approach control.  If within the transient corridor, UAS does not need to maintain contact, but must continue to squawk a designated corridor transponder code.


13 CONCLUSION  UAS Integration specific to the New York Terminal Area is possible with expected NextGen technology.  IFR traffic and controller workload will not be impacted with the addition of UAS in the proposed manner  VFR traffic will still be required to be in contact with air traffic control when in Class B airspace, will be vectored clear of UAS transit routes.

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