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Nature of God In Buddhism, Hinduism, Christianity and Islam.

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Presentation on theme: "Nature of God In Buddhism, Hinduism, Christianity and Islam."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nature of God In Buddhism, Hinduism, Christianity and Islam

2 Hinduism  Brahman – the Ultimate Reality  Beyond human experience and comprehension  Aspects of this Ultimate Reality can however be understood through deities and avatars (manifestation of a deity on earth)

3 The Vedas  Ancient Indian texts that provide the basis of Hinduism for many schools of thought.  The Upanishads are the texts at the end of the Vedas  They are the basis for more Orthodox Hinduism.  In the Vedas we find teachings on the Ultimate Reality and the deities of Hinduism, that Brahman is impersonal and that the deities play important roles in lives of Hindus.

4 The Trimurti

5 Brahman  Nirguna Brahman  Impersonal, transcendent  The negation of all attributes  Outside time and space  Saguna Brahman  The Personal God  The Creator (aspects expressed as Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva)  These are not separate but both Brahman

6 Buddhism  There is no concept of a personal God in Buddhism  The world exists as a cause result of cause and effect, not creation  In some schools of thought, deities are respected and leant from, but not worshipped.  They were humans that attained Nirvana through the same processes as any human

7 Tara Female Bodhisattva in Tibetan Buddhism. Represents success in work and achievements.

8 What does this passage mean?  There is grief but none suffering,  There is no doer though there is action.  There is quietude but none tranquil.  There is the path but none walks upon the path. (Buddhaghosa; Visuddhi Magga 16)

9 Task  Read and highlight the text  Compare and contrast Hindu and Buddhist teachings on the existence of an Ultimate Reality and gods and goddesses.

10 Prep  Research Islamic and Christian understandings of the Ultimate Reality.  Compare and contrast two concepts of Ultimate Reality (one must be monotheistic)

11 Christianity  God is immanent and transcendent  God is personal  God is experienced in different ways, shown by the Trinity

12 Father  Why father? What are the characteristics of an ideal father?

13 Biblical passages – God as father  God is a righteous judge, a God who expresses his wrath every day.(Psalm 7:11)  Behold, God is my helper; the Lord is the upholder of my life. (Psalm 54:4)  It is the LORD your God you must follow, and him you must revere. Keep his commands and obey him; serve him and hold fast to him. (Deuteronomy 13:4)  And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever (John 14.16)

14 Son and Spirit  Comforter  Sacrifice  Saviour  Immanent  Personal

15 Task  Read the Nicene Creed  Outline key Christian beliefs on the nature of God

16 Islam  Tahwid (Tawhid, Tawheed etc) – concept of uncompromising monotheism in Islam.  Allah is one and Allah is unique.  This is a teaching at the heart of Islam  No one and nothing else is to be prayed to or worshipped. Say 'He is Allah the One' 112:1 Surely Allah alone is the creator of all things and he is the One, the Most Supreme 13:17

17 Read the first Surah of the Qur’an  What does this tell us about Islamic beliefs on the Nature of God?

18 Prep  Research characteristics of Allah and compare and contrast them with characteristics of the Christian God.  Read and highlight the short essay on Tawhid

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