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The Mughal Empire.

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1 The Mughal Empire

2 The Mughal Empire The founders of the Moghuls were Turks descended from Timur (Timurlane). The word Mughal means Mongol, but Timurlane himself never claimed true inheritance to the Ghengisid dynasty Babur ( ), the founder of the Moghul dynasty, seized Kabul and in 1526 defeated the last Delhi sultan. Continued to view Central Asia as their Mongol-inherited homeland, even as they began to dominate India

3 The Mughal Empire One of the greatest rulers in Indian history was Akbar ( ), third Mughal emperor, generally considered the true founder of the Mughal Empire. He followed an aggressive expansionist policy, and by the time of his death, the Mughals controlled the land from the Himalaya Mountains to the Godavari River in central India and from Kashmir to the mouths of the Brahmapatra and Ganges Rivers.

4 The Mughal Empire

5 Akbar and Prosperity Granted land revenues to military officers (mansabs) in a non-hereditary manner Few external threats, with the exception of fighting Hindu rulers in the west No navy or merchant ships, relying instead on European trade structure

6 Hindus and Muslims Hindus had experienced a long history of frustration at the destruction of sacred monuments, forced conversion, and enslavement The Mughal period enjoyed more religious tolerance, with Hindu Rajputs receiving a portion of land grants Akbar himself married a Rajput princess, allowed for more Hindu legal autonomy, and removed the head tax on non-Muslims

7 Divine Faith 1578: Akbar’s spiritual crisis after hunting
Meditates, discovering “Truth is everywhere”,” and why should it be limited to one religion like Islam? Combined many sects, holding religious discussion, did not survive him Conversions to Islam remained rampant, due likely to the need for social cohesion

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