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MAKE A BOOKING To book a U.S Airport Concierge service, complete your flight details below. For any problems or enquiries, please do not hesitate to call.

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Presentation on theme: "MAKE A BOOKING To book a U.S Airport Concierge service, complete your flight details below. For any problems or enquiries, please do not hesitate to call."— Presentation transcript:

1 MAKE A BOOKING To book a U.S Airport Concierge service, complete your flight details below. For any problems or enquiries, please do not hesitate to call +1 (888) 201-7704 or email Service Type: Flight Number: Arrival Country, Airport & Terminal: Departure Airport (origin): Arrival Time: Arrival Date: No. of Passengers: QUOTE Promo Code:

2 MAKE A BOOKING To book a U.S Airport Concierge service, complete your flight details below. For any problems or enquiries, please do not hesitate to call +1 (888) 201-7704 or email Service Type: Flight Number: Departure Country, Airport & Terminal: Arrival Airport (destination): Departure Time: Departure Date: No. of Passengers: QUOTE Promo Code:

3 1. BASKET Journey 1: 1 Passenger/’s, Arriving Chicago (ORD) Terminal 1 from New York (JFK) on 26 December 2013, flight BA269 at 12:00 PROCEED EXIT ADD ANOTHER JOURNEY Service Available:VariationNet Price:Tax:Total Price: U.S. Domestic Arrival Service (travelling within the U.S) For a domestic arrival, our greeter will meet passenger’s at the gate holding a name-sign. Passenger’s will be escorted through the airport via electric buggies where available and assisted with luggage at baggage reclaim. Our greeter will liaise with their onward mode of transport and escort them curb-side outside the terminal. Where permitted, our greeter will take passengers out to their vehicle first and return to the carousel to collect their luggage. Baggage Porters can be arranged on request but additional fees may be applicable in person. 1 Passenger$262.300.00$262.30

4 Journey 1: 1 Passenger/’s, Arriving Chicago (ORD) Terminal 1 from New York (JFK) on 26 December 2013, flight BA269 at 12:00 BACK Service Available:VariationNet Price:Tax:Total Price: U.S. Domestic Arrival Service (travelling within the U.S)1 Passenger$262.300.00$262.30 ADD JOURNEY TO BASKET Service Type:Flight Number: Departure Country, Airport & Terminal: Arrival Airport (destination): Departure Time: Departure Date: No. of Passengers: Promo Code: 1. BASKET

5 Journey 1: 1 Passenger/’s, Arriving Chicago (ORD) Terminal 1 from New York (JFK) on 26 December 2013, flight BA269 at 12:00 PROCEED EXIT Service Available:VariationNet Price:Tax:Total Price: U.S. Domestic Arrival Service (travelling within the U.S)1 Passenger$262.300.00$262.30 Journey 2: 1 Passenger/’s, Departing Chicago (ORD) Terminal 1 to London (LHR) ) on 26 December 2013, flight BA270 at 14:00 Service Available:VariationNet Price:Tax:Total Price: U.S. International Departure Service (travelling outside the U.S) Test taken from products sheet. Blah blah blah blah blah Blah blah blah blah blah Blah blah blah blah blah Blah blah blah blah blah Blah blah blah blah blah Blah blah blah blah blah Blah blah blah blah blah Blah blah blah blah blah 1 Passenger$262.300.00$262.30

6 1. BASKET Journey 1: 1 Passenger/’s, Arriving Chicago (ORD) Terminal 1 from New York (JFK) on 26 December 2013, flight BA269 at 12:00 BACK Service Available:VariationNet Price:Tax:Total Price: U.S. Domestic Arrival Service (travelling within the U.S)1 Passenger$262.300.00$262.30 2. PASSENGER DETAILS Lead Passenger Details: Title: *First Name: *Surname: *Mobile Number: Date of Birth: Nationality: Passport Number: Expiry Date: E-mail Address: Confirm E-mail Address: SAVE PASSENGER

7 1. BASKET Journey 1: 1 Passenger/’s, Arriving Chicago (ORD) Terminal 1 from New York (JFK) on 26 December 2013, flight BA269 at 12:00 BACK Service Available:VariationNet Price:Tax:Total Price: U.S. Domestic Arrival Service (travelling within the U.S)1 Passenger$262.300.00$262.30 2. PASSENGER DETAILS Saved Details: SAVE PASSENGER Contact Type:Name: Lead Passenger Miss Harriet Waldron Passenger 2 Details: Title: *First Name: *Surname: Date of Birth: Nationality: Passport Number: Expiry Date:

8 1. BASKET Journey 1: 1 Passenger/’s, Arriving Chicago (ORD) Terminal 1 from New York (JFK) on 26 December 2013, flight BA269 at 12:00 BACK Service Available:VariationNet Price:Tax:Total Price: U.S. Domestic Arrival Service (travelling within the U.S)1 Passenger$262.300.00$262.30 2. PASSENGER DETAILS Saved Details SAVE GROUND TRANS. Contact Type:Name: Lead Passenger Miss Harriet Waldron Passenger 2 Mr Zayn Malik Ground Transportation Details: *Name: *Number: Personal Driver: *Name: *Contact Number: Chauffeur Company: Booking ref: *Please specify: Other:

9 1. BASKET Journey 1: 1 Passenger/’s, Arriving Chicago (ORD) Terminal 1 from New York (JFK) on 26 December 2013, flight BA269 at 12:00 BACK Service Available:VariationNet Price:Tax:Total Price: U.S. Domestic Arrival Service (travelling within the U.S)1 Passenger$262.300.00$262.30 2. PASSENGER DETAILS Saved Details SAVE BOOKER Booker Details: Contact Type:Name: Lead Passenger Miss Harriet Waldron Passenger 2 Mr Zayn Malik Ground Trans. Harriet’s Whizz Cars Same as Lead Passenger Title: *First Name: *Surname: *Mobile Number: *E-mail Address: *Confirm E-mail Address:

10 1. BASKET Journey 1: 1 Passenger/’s, Arriving Chicago (ORD) Terminal 1 from New York (JFK) on 26 December 2013, flight BA269 at 12:00 BACK Service Available:VariationNet Price:Tax:Total Price: U.S. Domestic Arrival Service (travelling within the U.S)1 Passenger$262.300.00$262.30 2. PASSENGER DETAILS Passenger, Ground Transportation & Booker Details: PROCEED Contact Type:Name:Further Details Lead PassengerMiss Harriet Waldron07955395004, 07/07/1989, British, GB123456, 08/10/2020, Passenger 2Mr Zayn Malik08/07/1990, British, GB123457, 08/10/2021 Ground Trans.Harriet’s Whizz Cars0207237895, HYZ123 BookerHarriet Waldron07955395004, Airline Booking Reference/’s: Notes/Instructions: Additional Travel Information:

11 1. BASKET Journey 1: 1 Passenger/’s, Arriving Chicago (ORD) Terminal 1 from New York (JFK) on 26 December 2013, flight BA269 at 12:00 BACK Service Available:VariationNet Price:Tax:Total Price: U.S. Domestic Arrival Service (travelling within the U.S)1 Passenger$262.300.00$262.30 2. PASSENGER DETAILS Passenger, Ground Transportation & Booker Details: PROCEED TO PAYMENT Contact Type:Name:Further Details Lead PassengerMiss Harriet Waldron07955395004, 07/07/1989, British, GB123456, 08/10/2020, Passenger 2Mr Zayn Malik08/07/1990, British, GB123457, 08/10/2021 Ground Trans.Harriet’s Whizz Cars0207237895, HYZ123 BookerHarriet Waldron07955395004, Additional Travel Information: Airline Reference/’sAdditional Notes: Not providedMr. Zayn Malik is a member of One Direction. Treat with care. 3. CONFIRM BOOKING

12 1. BASKET BACK 2. PASSENGER DETAILS Card Type: *Name on card (as it appears): *Card Number: Expiry Date: PROCEED 3. CONFIRM BOOKING 4. PAYMENT Payment Details: Service Price: $262.30 CC Processing fee (3.5%): $9.81 Total Amount to be charged: $271.49 *Security Code: Billing Details: Name: Address 1: Address 2: Country: Town: Zip/Post-code:


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