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Do you know the facts? The price for beauty in developed nations.

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Presentation on theme: "Do you know the facts? The price for beauty in developed nations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do you know the facts? The price for beauty in developed nations

2 M a r k T i f y o u t h i n k t h e s t a t e m e n t i s t r u e a n d F i f y o u t h i n k i t i s f a l s e. 1)Percentage of women in developed countries who never wear makeup: 4

3 2) 100-200 ads from the media reach us every day and most are related to image

4 3. Men make up about 10% of anorexics and about 20% of bulimics.

5 4) 50% of 10 year olds fear becoming fat

6 5) Modeling and prostitution are the only 2 jobs in which women make more money than men

7 6) Most people both male and female, think they are beautiful.

8 7) Most people say the beauty ideal is “tall, thin, young, white, long legged, smooth skin, big breasted, and blond.”

9 8) 1 out of every 10 college aged women has an eating disorder.

10 9) The average model’s weight is 15% less than the average woman

11 10) Almost half of all women smokers smoke because they see it as the best way to control their weight. Of these women, 25% will die of a disease caused by smoking.

12 ANSWERS: 1. True6. ? 2. False 400-6007. True 3. True8. False 81% 4. False 81%9. False 23% 5. True10. True

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