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Vertebrates 14-1: Chordates 14-2: Fish 14-3: Amphibians 14-4: Reptiles 15-1: Birds 15-2: Mammals.

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Presentation on theme: "Vertebrates 14-1: Chordates 14-2: Fish 14-3: Amphibians 14-4: Reptiles 15-1: Birds 15-2: Mammals."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vertebrates 14-1: Chordates 14-2: Fish 14-3: Amphibians 14-4: Reptiles 15-1: Birds 15-2: Mammals

2 14-1: Chordates animals with these characteristics oNotochord ● firm but flexible tube that extends along upper part of body o Postanal tail o Nerve cord o Pharyngeal pouches NotochordNerve Cord

3 chordates include vertebrates ohave all the chordate characteristics oalso have: ● Endoskeleton – internal skeleton – made of bone & cartilage ● Backbone – made of vertebrae – replaces notochord – protects spinal nerve cord ● Skull – protects brain Vertebrae

4 Vertebrates grouped based on body temperature regulation oEctotherms ● body temperature changes with surroundings ● “cold-blooded” oEndotherms ● regulate their own body temperature; stays constant ● “warm-blooded”

5 5 groups of vertebrates oFish oAmphibians oReptiles oBirds oMammals

6 14-2: Fish Ectotherms Tail Fins ofan-like structures attached to the endoskeleton Scales ohard, thin plates that cover the skin

7 well-developed sensory system oEx. sharks & smell exchange CO 2 and oxygen through adaptations for obtaining food oteeth, beaks, electric shock, filter feeding reproduce sexually osome internal, some external fertilization gills

8 Different groups of fish oJawless fish oCartilaginous fish oBony fish

9 Jawless Fish ono jaw bones, cartilage endoskeleton oround, toothed mouths olong, tube-like bodies ono scales, slimy skin oHagfish, Lampreys

10 Cartilaginous Fish ocartilage endoskeleton ojaw bones with well-developed teeth otiny scales, sand-papery skin oSharks, Skates, Rays

11 Bony fish olargest group obone endoskeleton oswim bladder o3 groups ● Lobe-finned ● Lungfish ● Ray-finned

12 14-3: Amphibians means “ double life ” ectotherms hibernation oduring cold weather estivation oduring hot weather

13 moist, smooth skin no scales breathe through skin or saclike lungs

14 Amphibian reproduction osexual oexternal fertilization ● female lays eggs, male releases sperm over eggs oeggs don’t have a protective shell—require water

15 Metamorphosis ochanges in body form otadpoleadult ooccurs in all amphibians


17 Groups of Amphibians Frogs & Toads ofour legs ono neck or tail otongue attached to front of mouth

18 Groups of Amphibians Salamanders & Newts olong, slender bodies otails

19 14-4: Reptiles ectotherms thick, dry waterproof skin scales breathe with lungs --protection and water loss

20 Reproduction ointernal fertilization ● male fertilizes female ● female lays eggs oamniotic eggs ● covered with shell & contain everything needed for development

21 Groups of Reptiles Lizards & Snakes ounhinging jaws olizards have moveable eyelids & legs with clawed toes

22 Groups of Reptiles Turtles otwo-part shell ono teeth

23 Groups of Reptiles Crocodilians olizard-like in shape olarge scales on backs ocare for young

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