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By John Crocker UC Santa Cruz, 2012 CMPS 162 Advanced Computer Graphics and Animation.

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1 By John Crocker UC Santa Cruz, 2012 CMPS 162 Advanced Computer Graphics and Animation



4 //Create temporary composite array of skinning matrices. Derived from // the constant binding matrices and the world matrices produced from //the skeleton // forward kinematics For each Joint (j) Compute Mj = Bj^-1 * Wj For each Vertex { Create temp position v’ = [0 0 0 0] Create temp normal n’ = [0 0 0 0] //Loop through all of the attached joints and sum all weights to find // contribution For each joint attached (i) to current vertex { v’ = v’ + wi * v*Mi n’ = n’ + wi * v*Mi } v = v’ //Store Position n = n’ / |n’| //Store normalized normal }

5  Three Windows:  User directions for application  Joint animation, vertices can only have one associated joint: Here, the user can explore at least one pre- scripted animation. Visually, it will be obvious that optimization is needed in order for more realistic, life-like movement to occur.  Smooth Skin Algorithm: This window will contain my approach to optimizing the first window. Here user’s can explore at least one pre- scripted animation and derive a conclusion themselves on whether my approach is valid to achieve more realistic joint movement.

6 Project: -Skin.htm Starting Implementation: utorials:Basic_Bones_System

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