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Fruit Dichotomous Key By: Cameron Salopek.

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Presentation on theme: "Fruit Dichotomous Key By: Cameron Salopek."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fruit Dichotomous Key By: Cameron Salopek

2 Can you peel it?

3 Can you peel it? Does it grow in pairs? Does it grow on a tree?
Does it have a pit? Does it have seeds on the outside? Does it have a core? Is it round? Does it have smooth skin?

4 Choices


6 The Answers

7 Can you peel it? Does it grow in pairs? Does it grow on a tree?
Does it have a pit? Does it have seeds on the outside? Does it have smooth skin? Does it have a core? Is it round?

8 Can you peel it? Does it grow in pairs? Does it grow on a tree?
Does it have a pit? Does it have seeds on the outside? Does it have smooth skin? Does it have a core? Is it round?


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