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All Staff Leadership Experience Arizona Cactus Pine Council November 20, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "All Staff Leadership Experience Arizona Cactus Pine Council November 20, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 All Staff Leadership Experience Arizona Cactus Pine Council November 20, 2014

2 2 Purpose To continue a journey to inspire learning and innovation and build collective intelligence so that ACPC can thrive in a rapidly changing environment

3 Aspiration & Awareness Understanding Complexity Reflective Conversation Core Learning Competencies Personal Mastery Shared Vision Mental Models Team Learning Systems Thinking The Learning Organization

4 4 Objectives to further develop our personal mastery through strengthening our skill in clean talk to learn a way to think about intervening in a system to practice the case clinic method as a tool for gaining insight and shifting where we are stuck in reaching our council goals to practice listening, inquiry and observation skills

5 5 Agenda Overview 9:00Welcome, Stand by Me Band, Promise, Law and Check-in 9:30 Announcements, Objectives, Agenda, Guidelines 9:50 Time with Tamara 10:10Break 10:30 Intervention Basics 11:30Clean Talk 12:30Lunch 1:30Investiture and Year Pinning Ceremony 2:00Journaling on Leadership Challenge 2:15Case Clinic-set-up, run and debrief 4:15Check-Out 4:30Close

6 6 Guidelines Use this as a practice field to experiment, learn, stretch Practice being curious & inquiring vs. knowing the answer Honor confidentiality Honor time agreements Cell phones off

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