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This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Cooperative Agreement EF-1115210. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions.

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Presentation on theme: "This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Cooperative Agreement EF-1115210. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions."— Presentation transcript:

1 This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Cooperative Agreement EF-1115210. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. Breakout 2 – Group 3 iDigBio Retreat June 30, 2014 Dan Stoner, Marcia Mardis, Jose Fortes, Cheryl McLaughlin, Blaine Marchant, Betty Dunckel, Sarfaraz Soomro, David Jennings, Andrea Matsunaga, Cathy Bester

2 Topic: Web presence (website + portal) What can we do? Have a specific call on "How are you using the iDigBio data?" Create “iDigBio data use case stories" for the carrousel. Start from internal case, but in addition, it is important to have people not from Florida. Do a second survey on the website to see if it is better with time and increase of comfort/usage. Need to get specific information on the frustrations people may be facing. Perhaps an easier way to get feedback on the portal (a permanent link to a survey). User experience (UX) experiments to gather immediate feedback for specific tasks to be performed on the website/portal Discussion & Facts: There are two separate types of designs: for search and for navigation. How do we showcase all types of statistics about reaching out? For example, that workshops do include a diverse group of people. The bottleneck is to get the stories, and not on publishing and sharing the story. On the various ways to survey, it is necessary to weight how intrusive it is. Blaine Marchant is one user of iDigBio data, who also compiles data from GBIF and BISON to be able to use georeferenced data into niche modeling. How iDigBio differentiates from GBIF/BISON? How attribution works? iDigBio can have more information than what is available of GBIF. iDigBio does not have to compete with GBIF. 2

3 What is iDigBio summit? Participation: iDigBio + 3 representatives of TCNs The next one will include RCNs. Content: Overview of each project Break out session with specific themes/topics Demonstration session All event is broadcast through AdobeConnect Not good for remote participation (only broadcast) 3

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