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Allan Mayrer Tom Norris Al Renner Edward Taylor. Skinfold (hand calipers) vs. Bioelectrical impedance  Conclusion: Anthropometric method significantly.

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Presentation on theme: "Allan Mayrer Tom Norris Al Renner Edward Taylor. Skinfold (hand calipers) vs. Bioelectrical impedance  Conclusion: Anthropometric method significantly."— Presentation transcript:

1 Allan Mayrer Tom Norris Al Renner Edward Taylor

2 Skinfold (hand calipers) vs. Bioelectrical impedance  Conclusion: Anthropometric method significantly underestimated and bioimpedance overestimated body fat compared to the d euterated water D2O method Ultrasound portable (UT) device vs. Dual- Energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DEXA) machine  Result: UT as accurate as DEXA; however, it costs less and is portable

3  CBE (Circumference Based Equations ) + Considered acceptable; moderate correlation coefficient (r=.079) + Simple and low cost to administer ◦ Limited ability to validly estimate body fat percentage  SBE (Skinfold Based Equations) + More valid and reliable results ◦ Cost effective, yet more costly than CBE method ◦ Impractical to train enough military personnel

4  CBE – Unacceptable error (4.7%) for college males  HW (Hydrostatic Weighing) + Thoroughly validated lab method ◦ Requires trained personnel ◦ Relies on specialized & costly equipment  BIA (Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis) + Acceptable error (2.1%) for college males ◦ Relies on specialized & costly equipment

5  Review purpose of the research ◦ Organizational problem hypothesis ◦ Sub Questions ◦ Benefits of Data  Know discharge costs associated with Body Fat %  May discover cheaper measuring method  May find more accurate methods, thus reducing costs of training and replacement (discharge costs)  Review the data collected ◦ Where ◦ Who authorized ◦ Types of data collected

6  The data will be formatted from largest to smallest.  Give totals in two formats: ◦ Grand Totals ◦ Gender Totals  Types ◦ Bar graph most appropriate



9  Graphs will be in sequential order ◦ Explain the process at required level of detail ◦ Final Slides will have conclusions  Recommendations based on data Raw DataOrganized Final Recommendation

10  Data Collection (costs and methods) ◦ 3 months  Army paperwork requests ◦ 6 months  Army paperwork time frame ◦ 15 years  Half before war started  Half after war began

11  Implementation ◦ 1 year of final recommendation ◦ 5 year nationwide (if recommended)  Revisiting issue ◦ Every three years

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