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Motivation & Emotion “The will must be greater than the skill” Muhammad Ali.

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Presentation on theme: "Motivation & Emotion “The will must be greater than the skill” Muhammad Ali."— Presentation transcript:

1 Motivation & Emotion “The will must be greater than the skill” Muhammad Ali

2 What is Motivation? Motivation is the drive to complete a task/goal. Motivation can be biological in nature (primary) or learned (secondary).

3 Primary Motivation According to research, there are five: 1.Hunger 2.Thirst 3.Sleep 4.Pain Avoidance 5.Sex -all primary motivations are based on survival needs -With primary motivations, people tend to seek Homeostasis (i.e. comfort level, think of a thermostat)

4 Secondary Motivation These are learned. Best example: $

5 Intrinsic Motivation v. Extrinisic Motivation Intrinsic motivation: The drive to complete the task comes from within the individual. Extrinsic motivation: The drive to complete the task comes from outside the person. Overall, the presence of extrinsic motivations will cause intrinsic motivation to weaken. The exception: social praise

6 Emotions There are three basic emotions: 1.Joy 2.Anger: which is a product of frustration (the inability to complete a goal) 3.Fear All three emotions create stress, which results in the release of the hormones adrenaline and cortisol. Stress affects us physically and psychologically.

7 Happiness Throughout most of its history, the field of psychology has focused on the unpleasant side of human behavior. Recently, some researchers have focused on studying on what produces happiness. One of the pioneers of the field: Dr. Ed Diener (University of Illinois).

8 Research Findings Except for people living in dire poverty, most people report being happy. Having goals, and achieving them, makes for happier people. People from Latin cultures are happier than East Asian Happier people: 1.Have better social relationships 2.Have better health 3.Make more money 4.Live longer

9 Is Happiness Relative? The Lottery Study (Brickman, Coates, and Janoff- Bulman, 1978) 22 Lottery Winners, 22 control subjects, and 29 quadriplegics were asked to rate their level of happiness. All of the lottery winners had won at least $50K, with 7 winning over $ 1,000,000 Results: Winners no happier than control group currently, and none predicted themselves no happier in two years than the quadriplegics.

10 Assignment (50 points) Emotion in advertising Businesses often use emotion within their advertising in order to make their products/services attractive to their audience. In this assignment, you are to find three print or television ads: 1.One that uses joy 2.One that uses fear 3.One that uses anger. On a separate sheet of paper, describe how each ad uses emotion to sell the product. Also, state whether you think the ad is effective, and why. Additionally, answer the following question: If you ran a business, which emotion would be most effective in selling your product, and why? Make sure you attach the ads you use to your answer sheet.

11 Point Breakdown: 10 points: following directions 30 points: quality of analysis 5 points: presentation 5 points: use of time


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