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Emotion T/F. Scientists have identified subtle differences in the brain circuits and hormones associated with different emotions. True!

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Presentation on theme: "Emotion T/F. Scientists have identified subtle differences in the brain circuits and hormones associated with different emotions. True!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Emotion T/F

2 Scientists have identified subtle differences in the brain circuits and hormones associated with different emotions. True!

3 The polygraph has proved to be extremely effective in detecting lies. False

4 Some emotional responses involve no conscious thinking True!

5 Introverts are superior to extraverts at reading others’ emotions True!

6 Facial expressions associated with emotions such as happiness and fear are the same all over the world. True!

7 Imitating others’ facial expressions helps us feel what they are feeling. True!

8 We seem to be biologically prepared to learn some fears more quickly than others. True!

9 Occasionally blowing off steam seems to reduce anger and aggression in the long run. False!

10 State lottery winners report little change in their general life happiness. True!

11 Researchers have found that people with a higher level of education tend to be happier. False!

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