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Risk Management Program. Program 2 requirements v Initial startup v Normal operations v Temporary operations v Emergency shutdown and operations 1a.

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Presentation on theme: "Risk Management Program. Program 2 requirements v Initial startup v Normal operations v Temporary operations v Emergency shutdown and operations 1a."— Presentation transcript:

1 Risk Management Program

2 Program 2 requirements v Initial startup v Normal operations v Temporary operations v Emergency shutdown and operations 1a

3 Program 2 requirements v Normal shutdown v Startup following: Normal or emergency shutdownNormal or emergency shutdown Major change that requires a hazard reviewMajor change that requires a hazard review 1b

4 Program 2 requirements v Consequences of deviations v Equipment inspections 1c

5 Program 3 requirements - steps v Initial startup v Normal operations v Temporary operations v Emergency shutdown 2a

6 Program 3 requirements - steps v Emergency operations v Normal shutdown v Startup following: TurnaroundTurnaround Emergency shutdownEmergency shutdown 2b

7 Program 3 requirements v Operating limits Consequences of deviationConsequences of deviation Steps required to correct or avoid deviationSteps required to correct or avoid deviation 2c

8 Program 3 requirements - safety and health considerations v Properties of chemicals used in the process v Hazards presented by chemicals used in the process 2d

9 v Precautions to prevent exposure Engineering controlsEngineering controls Administrative controlsAdministrative controls PPEPPE 2e Program 3 requirements - safety and health considerations

10 v Control measures if exposure occurs v Quality control v Special or unique hazards 2f Program 3 requirements - safety and health considerations

11 Program 3 requirements - steps v Safety systems and their functions 2g

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