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Selecting & Preparing a Story for Oral Performance Louisiana Library Association Annual Conference, March 12, 2010 Storytelling Workshop Judy Carol Bell.

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Presentation on theme: "Selecting & Preparing a Story for Oral Performance Louisiana Library Association Annual Conference, March 12, 2010 Storytelling Workshop Judy Carol Bell."— Presentation transcript:

1 Selecting & Preparing a Story for Oral Performance Louisiana Library Association Annual Conference, March 12, 2010 Storytelling Workshop Judy Carol Bell

2 I.Selecting a Story II.Developing & Learning a Story III.Relationship with the Audience Selecting & Preparing a Story for Oral Performance J. C. Bell, 2010, Oral, Select 2

3 Four Considerations o Personal appeal o Audience make-up o Purpose o Context & venue Selecting a Story J. C. Bell, 2010, Oral, Select 3

4 Sources & Materials o The library o Intellectual property o Inappropriate content Selecting a Story J. C. Bell, 2010, Oral, Select 4


6 o Public domain o In great supply o Variety of genres, themes o Honed & loved for centuries o Universal & valued themes o Multiple levels of meaning o Versatile & customizable o Easier than personal material Selecting a Story J. C. Bell, 010, Oral, Select 6 The Value of Folktales

7 I.Selecting a Story II.Developing & Learning a Story III.Relationship with the Audience Selecting & Preparing a Story for Oral Performance J.C. Bell, 2010, Oral, Dev&Learn 7

8  Getting Started  Fundamentals of Narrative  Advanced Techniques  Quickening the Story Developing & Learning a Story Homer J.C. Bell, 2010, Oral, Dev&Learn 8

9 Getting Started o First working version o Development & performance cycle (working alone & with others) o Coaching & feedback Developing & Learning a Story 9J.C. Bell, 2010, Oral, Dev&Learn

10 Fundamentals of Narrative o Narrative voice o Protagonist o Story sequence Developing & Learning a Story J.C. Bell, 2010, Oral, Dev&Learn 10 Holmes gave me a sketch of the event.

11 Advanced Techniques o Storyboarding o Story mapping o Back story of characters Developing & Learning a Story J.C. Bell, 2010, Oral, Dev&Learn 11

12 Quickening the Story o Performance art: a story is text PLUS o Use of the body o Style: “Less is more.” vs. “More is more.” ”Try it out before editing it out.” o Tools for preparation & performance Developing & Learning a Story 12J.C. Bell, 2010, Oral, Dev&Learn

13 I.Selecting a Story II.Developing & Learning a Story I.Relationship with the Audience Selecting & Preparing a Story for Oral Performance J.C. Bell, 2010, Oral, Audience13

14 Dealing with stage fright Relationship with the Audience 14J.C. Bell, 2010, Oral, Audience

15 The Bigger Picture o Holding /seeing the audience o Privilege & responsibility o Joy Relationship with the Audience 15J.C. Bell, 2010, Oral, Audience

16 Quotations attributed to … Pierre Teilhard de Chardin Jesuit Priest, Scientist, Philosopher (1881- 1955) There is almost a sensual longing for communion with others who have a large vision. The immense fulfillment of the friendship between those engaged in furthering the evolution of consciousness has a quality impossible to describe. It is our duty as men and women to behave as though limits to our ability do not exist. -- We are collaborators in creation of the Universe. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wikipedia has a bibliography, brief biography, and summary of his influence. American pronunciation: tay-‘ard duh shar-‘dan. J.C. Bell, 2010, Oral, Audience 16

17 END Author: J. Carol Bell, or; March

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