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Module Name: Subject Encyclopedias 1.What do you want the student to be able to do? -> recognize the difference between general encyclopedias and subject.

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Presentation on theme: "Module Name: Subject Encyclopedias 1.What do you want the student to be able to do? -> recognize the difference between general encyclopedias and subject."— Presentation transcript:

1 Module Name: Subject Encyclopedias 1.What do you want the student to be able to do? -> recognize the difference between general encyclopedias and subject encyclopedias. -> Indentify three reasons subject-specific encylopedias are better than general encyclopedias for college-level research. 2. What does the student need to know? -> The differences between subject-specific encyclopedias and general encyclopedias. 3. What is the learning activity? -> True/False and Multiple Choice quizzes. 4. How will the student demonstrate the learning? -> Passing score on both quizzes. 5. How will the librarian know the student has done this well? -> Cumulative passing scores on the both quizzes and consistent high ratings on Likert survey.

2 Select an option. This area remains blank. Begin tutorial. Skip to Review page. Add visual. Visual should: 1.Provide the name of the tutorial. 2.Compliment name of tutorial. Available under the terms of the Creative Commons License.

3 General Encyclopedias vs Subject Encyclopedias. This area remains blank. TRUE Wikipedia is a general encyclopedia. FALSE General Encyclopedias World Book Encyclopedia Americana Encyclopedia Britannica Wikipedia Characteristics of General Encyclopedias Covers a little bit (a page or two) on all subjects. Usually written by journalists. Rarely cites the sources of information. Usually written at a 7 th grade reading level. Characteristics of Subject Encyclopedias Covers the entire width and breath of one subject. Always written by scholars in the field. Always cites the sources of information. Written at a college reading level. Mouse over to see a list of subject encyclopedias available at Clark College.

4 Subject Encyclopedias available at Clark College Library. This area remains blank. Encyclopedia of Philosophy New Dictionary of the History of Ideas Dictionary of American History Environmental Encyclopedia Encyclopedia of Food and Culture Encyclopedia of Sociology Encyclopedia of Human Rights Encyclopedia of Education New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians Encyclopedia of Television Encyclopedia of Bioethics Encyclopedia of Medicinal Plants Encyclopedia of Western Colonialism Since 1450 Use current text blocks, bulleted list and visuals on slide #2.

5 General Encyclopedias vs Subject Encyclopedias. This area remains blank. type title here Your instructor may have told you not to use encyclopedias, but check to see if s/he meant general encyclopedias. Most instructors will accept articles from subject encyclopedias because these are scholarly sources. Some of the subject encyclopedias are called dictionaries. They are not dictionaries. In libraries, dictionary means the content is arranged alphabetically. Subject encyclopedias average about 350 pages per volume. The Encyclopedia of Fashion is four volumes. That’s over 1200 pages just on the subject of fashion. To give your topic a whole new perspective, try your subject in the New Catholic Encyclopedia and Encyclopedia Judaica. Type in the title of a subject encyclopedia that is related to one of your classes. SUBMIT

6 Subject Encyclopedias and Your Topic. This area remains blank. NEXT 1. Look up your topic in the Index 2. Examine the Article 3. Follow the leads to other sources Go with the Pros articles are written by scholars Use existing text and illustration from slide #6. Mouse-over for slidelet #2 Mouse-over for slidelet #3 Mouse-over for slidelet #4

7 First, look up your topic in the encyclopedia index. This area remains blank. Use current text and visuals on slide #3.

8 Second, Examine the Articles. This area remains blank. Use current text and visuals on slide #4.

9 Third, Follow the leads to other sources. This area remains blank. Use current text and visuals on slide #5.

10 Earlier you mentioned $encyclopedia$ might be useful in one of your classes. Here’s a few tips on how to find it and other subject encyclopedias. This area remains blank. NEXT Use current text and visuals on slide #8.

11 This area remains blank. Use current quiz question #1.

12 This area remains blank. Use current quiz question #2.

13 This area remains blank. Use current quiz question #3.

14 This area remains blank. Use current quiz question #4.

15 Print this page.

16 A.I can describe the difference between general encyclopedias and subject encyclopedias B.I can identify at least three reasons to use subject encyclopedias. This area remains blank. After completing this tutorial,

17 Quick Review: Subject Encyclopedias This area remains blank. EXIT Print this page. Use current text and visuals on slide #7.

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