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Distributed Computing in Life Science Research -Presenter: Yijian Yang 4-28-2003.

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Presentation on theme: "Distributed Computing in Life Science Research -Presenter: Yijian Yang 4-28-2003."— Presentation transcript:

1 Distributed Computing in Life Science Research -Presenter: Yijian Yang 4-28-2003

2 Motivation  Huge computational task in life science research  Heterogeneous, distributed computing environment

3 Problem Unix Linux Windows

4 CORBA  What is CORBA? Common Object Request Broker Architecture.

5 CORBA (cont.) It can be simply conceptualized as a communication bus for client-server object. Object Request Invoke function Run() on Z Z Run() IDL

6 CORBA (cont.)

7 How to develop CORBA applications 1. Define interface 2. Write the.idl file Module XXX{ interface YYY{ Method1(); Method2(); }; 3. Compile it with an idl compiler 4. Use the output to build the server and the client

8 Server.idl specification file Compilation A package of empty source code for server skeleton Implement the object Create and register the object to CORBA server Ready for client request

9 Client Start locator service Bind to CORBA server Invoke remote method

10 Example  European Bioinformatics Institute: For example: To get the access number of a sequence, the corresponding function: getEmblSeq EmblSeqEmblSeq getEmblSeq(in string bio_seq_id) raises(type::NoResult, Superceded);type::NoResultSuperceded

11 Example (cont.) In client program, if we want to use remote object Embl in EBI EMBL CORBA server, we should do: orb = org.omg.CORBA.ORB.init(); 2.Embl sample = EmblHelper.bind(orb, “Embl”) ; //bind to server orb 3.sample.start(); 4.sample.getEmblSeq(arg[0]);

12 Example (cont.)

13 Other Method  Microsoft’s DCOM (Distributed Component Object Model)  Java RMI (Remote Method Invocation)

14 Conclusion  CORBA is a promising technology for distributed object computing in life science research and has provided pointers to further information.

15 Reference  e.html e.html   

16 Thanks

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