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SGD SXS HXT SXT-I SXT-S SXIHXI The NeXT satellite Non Thermal Universe, Heavily Hidden BHs. SXI (CCD) + SXI-T (Supuer Mirror)  Imaging Spectroscopy at.

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Presentation on theme: "SGD SXS HXT SXT-I SXT-S SXIHXI The NeXT satellite Non Thermal Universe, Heavily Hidden BHs. SXI (CCD) + SXI-T (Supuer Mirror)  Imaging Spectroscopy at."— Presentation transcript:

1 SGD SXS HXT SXT-I SXT-S SXIHXI The NeXT satellite Non Thermal Universe, Heavily Hidden BHs. SXI (CCD) + SXI-T (Supuer Mirror)  Imaging Spectroscopy at 0.3-20 keV HXI (DSSD/CdTe) + HXT (Super Mirror)  Imaging Spectroscopy at 5-80 keV SXS (μCalorimeter) + SXT-S (Mirror)  Precise Spectroscopy at 0.3-10keV SGD (CdTe Compton Camera)  Low BGD observation at 10-300keV SXISXI : imaging spectroscopy at lower X-ray energy band

2 X-ray spectrum of the blank sky per unit X-ray effective area, per unit sky. The background for diffuse X-ray object. Detector BGD dominates CXB dominates Yamaguchi et al. SIS0 XIS-FI XIS-BI CXB

3 Effective Area of Suzaku XIS Detector BGD dominates CXB dominates

4 Supermirror Effective Area of SXT-I + SXI 300μm 200μm 100μm 70μm Au Edge 550 X-ray Energy (keV) 1020 6

5 FL=9m 2.62mm/arcmin 0102030 off-axis position (mm) CCD IA=50mm x 50mm FOV 50mm FOV (diagonal) 50mm x 1.41 19arcmin 27arcmin

6 Target spec. of CCD-NeXT CI to measure CTI of each vertical column. IA FS IA 24 x 24um 2 Pixel Size 24 x 16um 2 50mm (19’) 2Kpix 85mm 50mm (19’) 2Kpix Two mechanically independent chips Four electrically independent CCD Al coating for optical block and reduction of thermal input to CCD. Nakajima et al. NIM(2005) DL =200 (>70)μm

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