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IB Business & Management Exam Basics. What is meant by these words? Assessment Objectives Command terms.

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Presentation on theme: "IB Business & Management Exam Basics. What is meant by these words? Assessment Objectives Command terms."— Presentation transcript:

1 IB Business & Management Exam Basics

2 What is meant by these words? Assessment Objectives Command terms

3 4 Assessment Objectives AO1 – Knowledge and Understanding AO2 – Application and Analysis AO3 – Synthesis and Evaluation AO4 – Appropriate Skills What is the difference between these skills? Which one is easiest? Which one is the most difficult?

4 AO1 – Knowledge and Understanding Learn and comprehend the content of the syllabus Use subject specific vocabulary

5 AO2 – Application & Analysis select, organise and interpret data (from case studies) apply relevant tools, techniques and theories and to different contexts Form links of arguments which use understanding to answer a question in detail (using connectives: Therefore, this will result in, meaning that etc)

6 AO3 – Synthesis and Evaluation Use balanced analysis to make reasoned nd well substantiated judgements that are based on evidence or a set of criteria Recognise that theory and data have various limits and uncertainties

7 AO4 – Appropriate Skills Be able to select and use appropriate business tools in a given situation

8 The Assessment Objective Hierarchy Evaluation Application & Analysis Knowledge Increasingly difficulty – Each builds on the other

9 Command Terms Look at the exam paper Pick out the different command words that you can see

10 IB Command Terms There are 30 different command terms that the IB use in your papers Each of which require you to answer the question in a particular way Each command word is aimed at asking you to demonstrate a particular assessment objective

11 Task – Match the Command Word Using the glossary of command words, fill in the table with the appropriate command word for each definition/example (use pencil) Which of the Assessment Objectives do you think they are asking you to demonstrate? AO1 – Knowledge and Understanding AO2 – Application and Analysis AO3 – Synthesis and Evaluation AO4 – Appropriate Skills

12 10 Mark Questions Look at the marking grid, What is the difference between an answer in the top mark band and the one below? What have you got to make sure you do in order to get a top mark?

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